Week 2 (Unedited)

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Hello people! I am alive and well, but there was a lot that went on yesterday. I had three demos, and my instructor was only there for one of them. The first one was for the block party for a library. We were one of the entertainment people. That first demo didn't have all of our demo team, but most of them. We didn't have everyone because there was a tournament that day too, and so some of our demo team was at the tournament. We had Android, Mop, Tank, Alex, Ninja Turtle, Green Belt, and Respectful. Obviously, these are all nicknames, and most of them are these people's ninja names, but others were ones I came up with. I'll explain them another day if you guys want me to, just make sure to comment and tell me to! Anyways, that first demo went really well except that I dropped my weapon, but it wasn't too bad. To get to the other demo site, I got a ride from Android and Mop's mom. Android and Mop are brothers by the way. On the way there, I couldn't stop laughing because of how ridiculous Mop was. He's kind of crazy and weird, but that's okay. We got McDonald's and ate in the car. Once we got to the other demo site, everything was already set up. Our first teaser demo wasn't until four, so we had time to relax. This demo was at a fundraiser, it was Relay for Life. King of the Broken was there, and so was Clumsy, one of my other instructors. And also Team fire was there. We ran "jail" (where you pay to put someone in jail, and someone has to pay the same amount to get them out of jail), and a lot of people tried to resist arrest (they ran when we went to go get them). It was really fun, especially because people on our demo team would put each other in jail.Later, but before we did our teaser demo, there was this teenager who came up to our booth and started asking a bunch of questions, and while Team Fire and Mop thought it was weird, I didn't say anything about it because it was good that he was interested. He has a red shirt on and red shoes, so Mop called him Christmas. Mop also thought he was gay. He was very wrong. The teaser demo happened, and it went really well, but I yelled so loud that I almost lost my voice. Alex had shown up before that. Tank wanted to put Alex in jail, so when she showed up I told him his love was here just to make him mad. I ship them, but neither of them agree. After the demo, Christmas tried to take one of our staffs and tried to play with it. I am very much of the opinion that weapons are not something you play with. A bit later, he went up to Alex and asked her if he could play with her staff. I stopped Alex from giving it to him, because they were not toys. Alex, who is only 12 but is more developed than I am (physically), said that he was cute. I told her I did not care how cute he was, and she got mad at me because I said it so loud. He, apparently is either a Freshman or Sophomore in high school. I watched Alex for the rest of the day, and Team Fire and Mop helped me. At one point during the day, Christmas came up to Alex with a rose and "proposed" to her. Clumsy, my instructor, stopped her from saying yes, while Mop, Team Fire and I, ran away laughing because it was so awkward and funny. We didn't tell Alex about this, but later we saw that Christmas was with another girl, and she was holding that same rose Christmas had tried to give Alex. We requested some songs, and we did ones like the "Cupid Shuffle", so our whole demo team would go in the middle and just start dancing. It was so fun. Honestly, the whole day was so fun. If I had more days like that one, I would never really complain about my life. Whip and Nae Nae showed up, with his awesome glasses and everything, being as fabulous as always. My instructor showed up, and we did our third demo, which was longer than the others. After that demo, I couldn't help but comment, "And that's how you handle a bo staff." Especially because Alex's mom told her to let Christmas play with her bo staff. After all the demos were over, my instructor came over to me and said that I got a hug because I was at all the demos AND because I had been helping with everything all day, and I was being respectful. Since she doesn't give out hugs often, I was very happy when I got a hug from her. My feet might have hurt horribly, but yesterday was so fun, I would do it all again, and I wouldn't change any of it. Today was a pretty chill day for me, I didn't do much worth mentioning. I studied for my final tomorrow, which is Speech, but that's about it. Since I didn't feel like writing yesterday, happy belated polysexual pride day! You guys are completely and utterly valid, and you should always do what is right for you. Just make sure that all people know what's going on and know about the others, so that no one thinks they're being cheated on. And for today, happy pansexual pride day! Don't listen to those rude comments about what people say, you are fabulous and valid and beautiful. If anyone ever needs anyone to talk to, go ahead and message me! I always love to listen! Always know that I got you people, and that I will always be there supporting you. I might write a little later so bye for now people!------------------------------I decided to go on a walk outside because I felt really energized all of the sudden. I just went up and down the sidewalk on my block, but it was still nice. I'm really thankful that my parents will just let me do that. Anyways, I'm glad I came back inside because it started lightly raining while I was out there, and now I can here the rain from inside, and it sounds like it's raining really hard. Yay for good timing! There's still nothing major to report about today, but wish me luck for my Speech final tomorrow. Night people!06/06/16Hey people! I almost forgot to write today! My Speech final was okay, I'm not sure how I did. I only have one more final! Yay! And shout out for Omnisexual pride people! You people are super valid and amazing and lovely! Never forget that, okay? If you ever do, find this and you will know you are valid and amazing! It's time to go to bed for me, so goodnight people! I'll write more tomorrow!

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