Week 50 (Unedited)

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05/07/17Hey people! I had volunteer stuff today which  wasn't too bad since I was only there for three hours. A bunch of people  from my school were there which was comforting since Splash wasn't  there. At least I knew some people instead of being totally alone. It  was still super awkward though. After  that I went home for something to eat and then went to Taekwondo for  demo practice. Practice was pretty fun but I felt behind because they  had learned a new form since I had been gone. I wish I was there more  often but school is so time consuming recently either that or my friends  which are fun but I need some time for myself. Well I did some homework and now I should probably go to bed. Goodnight people!05/08/17Hey  people! Today was boring for the most part. Or at least school was. And  nothing really happened after school either. I had a quiz in Spanish  which I think I did okay on. I know I didn't do badly but I don't want  to get my hopes up. After school I relaxed and did my homework. I'm  trying not to procrastinate but that's not quite working as far as my  journal entries go. But I'll keep trying. Goodnight people!
05/09/17Hey  people! Nothing very interesting happened at school. I went home like  normal and did some homework but I had a doctors appointment to get a  shot. It wasn't too painful but it was pretty boring. The people there  were nice but I don't know if I'll ever be going back there. Since 45  (president) has gotten them to repeal ACA once my insurance card expires  I'm pretty sure I won't have health insurance. While the ACA isn't  perfect it's better than what they're replacing it with. Okay, enough  about politics. I hate politics but I can't help but get worked up about  them when it affects my life so critically. Anyways I went  to demo practice after the appointment which I was happy about. It was a  nice break from life and stuff but of course I eventually had to go  home. I feel pretty tired so I should sleep. Goodnight people!05/10/17Hey  people! Today was a pretty relaxing day. I felt pretty sick so I didn't  go to school. I did miss my history test but I'm pretty sure I'll just  make it up tomorrow. I think it was mostly allergies since yesterday I'm  pretty sure they were acting up. Either way, I'm glad I stayed home  today. Not much important was happening at school anyways. Other than  the test, I'm pretty sure I won't miss much. I just need to  do the homework that's due tomorrow and that's about it. Even that isn't  quite necessary. I don't have to do Spanish homework which is good.  I've spent most of today watching tv and trying to do homework. I don't  feel great, but I do feel better. Now I should probably go to bed.  Goodnight people!05/11/17Hey  people! Today wasn't too bad even if I missed some stuff because I was  sick. Not much happened at school, just more learning as usual. I did  take my history text which wasn't too bad. Most of my classes were  boring today. After  school I went to the poetry club to talk to the principal of the school  about the social environment and how to fix it. Our sponsor said that  we would probably have a good perspective of what's wrong and what can  help fix what is wrong. He talked and asked a lot about how to get the  trust back of the students, and while I don't know how to do that other  people had good ideas. I had to leave early which made me feel bad, but I  needed to get home. I  did some homework before me and my family left for the drama banquet.  During the banquet, everyone who was apart of the productions for the  year on both cast and crew are thanked by our sponsor for our hard work.  I'm happy that I got to see everyone together again one last time this  year. I love these people, and I'm very terrified of being a senior next  year honestly, because I have no idea how I'm going to help continue  leading the rest of the drama club. Plus I don't want te seniors to  leave. Anyways, I better go to bed. Goodnight people!05/12/17Hey  people! Today was pretty fun. Well school wasn't very fun but I did  finish most of my homework which is good since I have so much to do this  weekend. Like today I am currently at a hotel for Mara's birthday. We  went down to the pool and met a nice girl who's our age and she is going  to sleep over with us. I've already had so much fun, and then once I  leave tomorrow from here I'm going to Taekwondo for pie your favorite  demo member in the face day. It's going to be super fun, and very messy,  but I'm ready and excited for it. And  then on Sunday I am going to be volunteering in the morning. And then  after all that I'll be done with my service hours and with what I need  to do for the weekend. Except for maybe homework. Well I gotta go because I'm super exhausted and should probably go to bed since everyone else is asleep. Goodnight people!05/13/17Hey  people! Today was pretty fun. In the morning I was still at Mara's  sleepover, which ended with us going down to the pool and playing Uno.  We also kinda got locked out of yeh pool when we went to an outdoor  area. Thankfully, someone opened the door for us pretty quickly. After  that I drove to Taekwondo for pie day, which I was a bit late for but  no one seemed too mad. I still got pied adequately as far as I'm  concerned. After rinsing the cool whip out of my hair and face, we had a  small demo practice. We're also going to have one tomorrow, so I'll be a  bit late for that because of volunteering. My instructor said that it  was okay, which I'm happy about. And soon there will be no reason for me  to miss demo practice, which makes me ten times happier. I hate missing  practice because then I feel out of the loop. After  demo practice I went home and took a long shower to get out the rest of  the cool whip and chlorine out of my hair. It felt so nice en if I had  to shampoo my hair twice. Even if my hair is an inanimate object, I  still feel bad for putting all that stuff in it. I didn't do much else today, and I should probably sleep now. Goodnight people!

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