Week 48 (Unedited)

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04/23/17Hey people! Today was pretty great too. There  were so many people in the audience I was really surprised since it  usually is quite a bit smaller. It was probably bigger than Friday's  audience, but smaller than Saturday night's. The seniors wrote letters  to everyone they wanted to or told us we would get them later. I hope  they find time to write them but the ones I read made me cry. Thankfully  I read them after the show so I didn't mess up anything by crying  before the show. After  the show I went to eat with my family which was fun, except that I was  feeling anxious and tense for something reason. It was pretty good  though. I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow since I'm so tired. And since I'm tired I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight people!04/24/17Hey  people! I didn't go to school today because I have a Spanish speech  that is due today that I did not write. So I wrote it today in about  half an hour. I already warned my mom that I wasn't sure of how I would  do on it since I just write it today and will present tomorrow. She said  it was okay, so I feel a bit better about it. I  spent most of today resting and trying to figure out what my homework  was for today since I wasn't there. There didn't seem to be much, but I  can't do my math because my notebook is at school. I'll try to do it  before school tomorrow morning. Otherwise, I'll finish it tomorrow and  show it to him Wednesday. I don't think it will matter much since it  hasn't in the past. I was thinking about going to Taekwondo,  but I decided not to because I was still tired and sore from so much  going on. And now I will sleep. Goodnight people!04/25/17Hey  people! I went to school today and it wasn't too bad. I don't really  think anything interesting happened. I finally went to Taekwondo after  missing for a week and I was really happy that I was able to go. It made  everything so much better and it made me feel better. I love Taekwondo  too much to not go when I have the opportunity and feel good enough to  go. Well, that's it for today. Goodnight people!04/26/17Hey  people! Today was pretty boring. It was weird to go home right after  school though. It was a nice weird, but it also reminds me that drama is  over, which makes me sad. I didn't have much homework, so I just  watched tv. Nothing very interesting. Now I'm tired so I should probably sleep. Goodnight people!04/27/17Hey  people! School has been pretty boring lately. Nothing terribly  exciting. The only thing I can think of even talking about is my  theology presentation. It's due Monday and we had today in class to work  on it. It's nothing too bad, we just have to talk about the ethics of a  case and analyze it. After  school I went home and did some homework. I also tutored Vanessa. It  was refreshing to see her. She was early today but she forgot her phone.  Her mom came to drop it off before the lesson started which was good.  Vanessa was happy to see me and I was glad to see her too. I was also  happy to get paid. While it's not the only reason I tutor Vanessa it's  the reason that I keep tutoring her. I  went to Taekwondo after and I felt pretty happy about that too. I  missed Taekwondo a lot but I think I pulled a muscle in my back.  Hopefully its nothing serious. Either way I should go to sleep. Goodnight people!04/28/17Hey  people! Today at school was pretty boring. I don't remember anything  important, and don't really think anything was important. I do have my  AP test for environmental science on Monday, but that's about it. I'll  be missing most of the day to do that. I also have the theology  presentation but I'm more focused on the AP test. Splash  came over to my house to sleepover so that it would be easier for us to  go do service hours tomorrow morning together. It's really fun to have  Splash here. We decided to watch Tron, which splash really liked. We  also got ice cream and talked about life and excitement about going to  ACEN. Well, I better go to sleep so that I'm ready to get up early in the morning. Goodnight people!04/29/17Hey  people! Today was pretty nice. Splash and I went to do our service  hours. (We did service hours for six hours straight). There were lots of  breaks during which I was pretty happy about. There were other people  there but I didn't talk to anyone but Splash. Once  we were done, we went out to eat at a fast food place. We talked some  more and figured out our route for getting home. It wasn't too bad, even  if my mom had texted me asking where I was. By the time I saw it I was  home. Splash got picked up soon after I got home. I haven't  done much else today, but I am feeling tired from waking up so early so I  think I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight people!

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