Week 40 (Unedited)

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02/26/17Hey people! Today was pretty boring. And I'm not  feeling very well either. I think I got sick from a combination of  actual germs and leftover stress from everything. Or at least that's  what it feels like. I spent most of today watching tv and teetering  between ravenous hunger and strong nausea. It wasn't very fun. At least I  didn't have practice for the musical. However, I didn't get any of my  homework done and I still feel sick so I'm not going to school tomorrow.  I should go to bed though. Goodnight people!
02/27/17Hey  people! Today I stayed home but I felt a lot better. I actually got my  homework done that was due today and stuff that I knew for tomorrow. I  did miss rehearsal since I was sick and not at school but I'm not too  worried. I did go to Taekwondo which was fun. I asked my instructor to  do my NHS recommendation and she was very happy to do it. That was  pretty good and I had fun at practice. I went home but I  didn't do much. I just worried about tomorrow and what it will bring. I  should probably get to tomorrow and go to bed. Goodnight people!02/28/17Hey  people! Today was good, but it was pretty long. School itself wasn't  too bad, I took my Spanish quiz and my math test and I don't think I did  horribly on either of them. I found out I got a B on my Spanish quiz  which is pretty good since I was so unsure of what was going on. But  it's okay now. I just have to hope that I did okay on my math test. After  school I had ACT prep and I saw how much sickness can affect your  brain. Since I was sick yesterday and took the practice tests, I got  worse score than I did on my pre test and I wasn't really trying then. I  had to remind myself of that so that I didn't feel bad. The rest of  class went well, and when we took a practice test during class, I did a  lot better on it. Then I did some of my homework before  rehearsal started. It hurt to sing but I had to since it was a music  review day. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow. But now I should go to  bed. Goodnight people!03/01/17Hey  people! Today was pretty good. I'm losing my voice though. I didn't  realize it until rehearsal so at least it didn't bother me for too long.  School wasn't too bad, but I did have a Spanish test today. Or rather I  had part of it. Tomorrow I'll have the other part of the test. I don't  really think anything important happened at school, or at least nothing I  remember. Rehearsal was pretty fun since it was choreography  today. We learned a new dance number which wasn't too hard compared to  the other dances we learned. I was glad for that, and that we didn't  have to sing since I realized as I tried to sing walking to practice I  couldn't. I'm kind of concerned about it, especially because I'm pretty  sure that I won't be able to talk tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get better  soon. Sleep will help me get better too. Goodnight people!03/02/17Hey  people! Today was pretty good. You know, except for the fact that I  couldn't speak. Every time I opened my mouth I spoke in this weird voice  and it felt like something was pushing on my throat. I hope that that  doesn't last too long. It was interesting to go through my school day  with little to no talking though. It made me notice how much I forget to  think before I speak. I thought more about that today, and it wasn't  like I'm mad at myself for not thinking before speaking but it probably  would be better. After  school I had ACT prep. Our usual math teacher was at a funeral so we  only had an hour of class. It wasn't too bad and it was trig so I  understood it perfectly. It almost made the three chapters of trig from  Pre Calc worth it. Almost. But it was pretty basic. After  class I hung out with Ashley until her dad drove me home and they went  home. On the ride to my house I got a text from Vanessa's mom saying  that her play was tonight so she would have to cancel. I didn't mind  since I could barely talk. I skipped Taekwondo too so I had lots of time  to finish my homework. At this point I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight people!03/03/17Hey  people! Today was pretty nice. At school I didn't get much homework and  decided to give myself some time to have fun, so I played games and  talked to people instead of working on anything. I might regret it since  I still need to finish my NHS application, but I think that I'll be  able to do it over the weekend. Even if the weekend is busy, I'll find  time to do it. Poetry  club was pretty fun. We talked about ideas of what to do for poetry  month (which is April) to show the rest of the school that poetry club  isn't lame. We're planning on having an open mic, reading our poems on  the announcements, and doing poetry grams (for $1 you get a poem and a  candy). I hope that we're actually able to do all of this, and that I  don't get too stressed since I still have the musical for most of April.  Ashley went for a bit. I haven't had a chance to ask her how she felt  about it, but I think she's joining. I went home and I  haven't done much else. I gave myself the day off. Tomorrow I have  regular Taekwondo class and then I have demo team practice. Then on  Sunday I have demo team practice and in the evening I am going to  babysit my mom's friend's kids. Hopefully that won't be too much for me.  Well, either way I should probably go to sleep. Goodnight people!03/04/17Hey  people! Today I got a lot of stuff done, even though I hadn't planned  to. My throat hurt this morning so I didn't help with class, but I did  go to my normal class since I hadn't been there the whole week. Demo  practice got cancelled since a bunch of people weren't able to make it. I  didn't mind too much though since I felt pretty stressed because of a  lot of different things. Once  I got home I relaxed a bit and then got down to work. I did half of my  homework, finished most of my NHS application, and then I wrote for my  story. I think I finally figured out what kind of ending I want. Now I  just need to write up to it. I was working on my story called The New  Transfer Students. It's not done, but I'm trying to update at least once  per month, which I know isn't very often since I only have so much time  and usually school work comes before free writing. Anyways it's about time I got to bed. I have demo practice and I'm babysitting in the evening tomorrow. Goodnight people!

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