Week 35 (unedited)

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01/22/17Hey people! Today was pretty normal. Sadly I  feel pretty sick so I'm probably not going to school tomorrow. Nothing  major is happening at school so I should be fine. Today I finished my  homework just in case I miraculously feel better in the morning. That's  the only way I'm going to school. Honestly the cold isn't really the  thing that's keeping me home I also don't want to go to school since  I've been so busy and I'm going to be so busy. On Tuesday I have my  first ACT practice which will go on until the end of March. Then musical  practices start next Monday and yeah it's going to get busy fast. I  guess I'll just enjoy tomorrow and maybe finish the book I bought. I  really love the series and this book doesn't disappoint my expectations.  There are about four more books in the series and I don't have them but  hopefully I'll get them soon. Anyways I want to go read some of my book  before I sleep so goodnight people!01/23/17Hey  people! I did stay home from school because I did feel sick and very  sleep deprived. The second my alarm went off I turned it off and went  back to sleep within seconds. I woke up later and read more of my book.  Some of my friends texted me but they didn't seem too concerned. I don't  miss school usually so it's not that big of a deal to miss one day for  me. And from what I can tell I didn't miss much homework. I ended up  doing what I knew I had homework in and watching criminal minds all  day. By  the time I would tutor Victoria I felt a lot better, but something came  up so she couldn't go. I wasn't entirely sad but it did mean that I  have any reason to have gotten dressed. I didn't mind much though.  Thankfully what I wear is actually comfortable. Hopefully  tomorrow won't be too stressful even with the ACT prep right after  school. I won't go to Taekwondo because I won't have time to since the  first practice is longer because I'm taking a practice exam. It  shouldn't be too bad other than getting home so late. Well I  doubt anything else will happen tonight other than my reading (and  hopefully finishing) my book and sleeping. Actually now that I'm  thinking about it I'm having some weird dreams. There's this guy that I  don't particularly like because he's very arrogant and disruptive and  very aggravating. I had this dream where he was very nice and we were  walking somewhere and we started holding hands. And it didn't feel  awkward or weird, it felt nice. I don't know it's probably nothing. It  was just a dream, right? I really hope so. Hopefully these kind of  dreams won't continue. Goodnight people!01/24/17Hey  people! Today was very long. The ACT prep I had took forever so I  didn't finish my homework until late. It was kinda sad but I also had to  make up homework. Not much happened today. Ashley was sick but she  hasn't been responding to my texts so I just hope she's okay. I guess  I'll find out tomorrow. She and other people always tell me they'll  explain later but they never do. I'd rather they just say they didn't  want to talk about it. It would be more honest and honestly make me less  worried. At least then I would know that they didn't want to talk about  it instead of wondering when they would tell me. Well I didn't do much today and today is basically over so goodnight people!01/25/17Hey  people! Today was okay. Ashley still isn't her and I haven't heard from  her. I asked some of her other friends if they heard from her, and they  said no. On the upside, Skylar and I are going to a thing called Banua  at my school. It's put on by the drama club and it's the one show I'm  not in. I'm really excited to go since I haven't gone before. There  wasn't much interesting at school except that I got most of my homework  done at school. I  signed up for the SAT today. I know lots of people put a bunch of  pressure on this test but I don't see a point to doing that. Yeah it's  important but it isn't the only thing that determines what college you  get into. I know someone who said that it was the test that determined  the rest of your life and I simply don't agree with that. It's a test  that measures what you know and how well you take a test. That's all  that I see from it. I  haven't heard from Samm recently. I've texted her but she hasn't been  responding. I don't know if it's her phone acting weird or if she's just  not responding. I hope she's okay. I'm pretty tired so I think I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight people!01/26/17Hey  people! Today was full of stuff. At least I felt pretty busy. At school  I didn't have much homework and finished most of it during the school  day. I thought that I had ACT prep today but I didn't so I went to  poetry. I got home ate dinner and then went straight to Taekwondo. It  was fun as usual. I got to work on demo stuff and talk to my instructor  for a bit on some stuff like schedules. I  know I'm not being very detailed but I'm very tired and feel exhausted.  I've been feeling that way for a while now but I guess it's because  I've had so much going on. Sadly it's only going to get worse. At least I  don't feel super stressed just tired. Stress will come later.  Thankfully there are only 50 days to the end of my school's third  quarter. As I said I'm tired so I'll be going to bed soon. Goodnight people!01/27/17Hey  people! Today was pretty good. At school I finished half of my homework  so it'll be easier to do on Sunday. After school I went to poetry which  was pretty fun. We got the people for the group piece sorted out, and  I've kind of been put in charge which makes me nervous since I'm not  confident in my own poetry abilities and don't quite feel comfortable in  poetry club yet. I'll deal with that after tomorrow. Tomorrow  I have Taekwondo as usual and then I'm going to go see banua! I know  it's going to be awesome. I don't really mind even going alone because  it means I can enjoy it without having to worry about other people.  Obviously I'd love to go with my friends but sometimes it's nice to be  alone and do something just for me. Another thing I did just for me is  make a hot topic wishlist. It's a very long list and I know I won't be  able to get everything but it's somewhere where I can start getting  stuff I want. It's also a place to refer people to for birthday  presents. I'm feeling pretty tired so I think I'll be going to bed. Goodnight people!01/28/17Hey  people! Today was awesome! At Taekwondo Lioness was there for awhile  and was trying to have Android lead class. Lioness has been trying to  help him so that he can be a better instructor. He isn't shy but he  isn't comfortable leading stuff currently. So I've just been a good  helper so that he can learn to take charge of class. He's 14 which is  when my instructor started having me lead stuff. I don't remember how  hard it was for me but I know it wasn't a walk in the park. I probably  messed up a bit and thought I did badly but here I am and I can usually  teach higher rank classes comfortably now. After  Taekwondo I took a shower and was slowly getting ready to go to Banua.  Banua is a comedy and musical revue. It has skits and songs so I thought  it would be pretty nice. When I actually got there I felt kind of weird  as I saw that everyone else was thee with other people. Eventually I  reminded myself that this auditorium was my place, my home so it didn't  matter. I felt much better then. Just before the show, some alumni from  the drama club came and sat by me. It made me feel welcome again just  seeing them. The  actual show was phenomenal. All of the different songs gave me  goosebumps. I honestly can't describe how actually amazing the show was  in words. There was a skit using a song from Hamilton, there was  basically a freshman boy band, and so many others. Everyone was  absolutely amazing. After  the show I waited to see my drama family and congratulate everyone. One  of my best friends who calls me her mom kept hugging me and thanking me  for coming. Honestly I was so glad that I went. I was thinking about  not going because I was trying save up money. I was actually saving  money for a present for her. Since there is also a cast party for Banua  which the seniors had made seniors only she was going to that. She  didn't have a ride home so I told her that if she didn't get one at the  party I would go get her and drop her off at home. I  did end up having to do that because her boyfriend ditched her. She was  upset about it obviously but I got her home safe while she was venting  about it. She was very grateful that I drove her home. She said to me  something that made it worth it to stay up (even though I would have  been fine without her saying this) she said that I was her best friend.  She doesn't use that term for just anyone even though she's close to  lots of people. She makes me happy with her jokes and her warm nature. I  love her so much and I know that when she leaves I'm going to miss her  so much but I'm going to stay in touch with her the best I can. It's been a long night and I've stayed up late so bed is calling my name. Goodnight people!

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