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"What did he say?" Gabriella asked me as I turned off my cellphone.

What does he mean Carter may be alive? I held her in my own arms. I saw her die in front of me. She breathed her last breath while I was holding her. She shut her eyes as I stared at them. How can this be? There is no way. This must be a trick or something to stop me from moving on. Maybe Xavier knows about Gabriella and I. He's trying to pull us away. But again, why would he do such a thing? He already took his revenge.

"Nothing." I ignore her. I don't know what to think anymore. The news just flipped my world upside down. If Carter is alive by any chance then she's with Xavier now, locked somewhere. She wouldn't be free and not running back to Val and I.

Gabriella gazed at me with curious eyes. I couldn't tear my eyes away from hers either. She looked away and returned back to changing her clothes.

The tension between us is thick and the air seems to be suffocating me. I walked out of the hotel room before I could say anything I would regret.


Harry walked out on me just when I managed to take my eyes off of him. He won't tell me what's wrong and I'm very worried and concerned. I hope he doesn't choose to walk away from me now that we're back and happy together. Everything seems to fall apart once we get back and I feel like the Gods don't want us to be together.

Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. He just walked out without saying anything. Guys do that all the time right? He probably got some bad news about someone he knows and he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions yet. Yeah, that's probably it. He wouldn't leave me. He said he wouldn't and I believe him.

I laid down on my bed just as the clock hit midnight. Harry is nowhere to be found and I tried calling him just to find out that he left his phone here. I would go to search for him, if we were in New York of course. If I go out now, I may get lost.

So I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I felt myself drift away to sleep.


I woke up at the sound of my phone vibrating. I groaned, flipping ny phone over to shut the voice. It didn't work. Then I realized... That's not my phone. I stretched my arms and hopped off the bed grabbing Harry's phone from the counter.

Edward's name flashing through the screen.


"Uh, who is this?" Edward's soft voice made me giggle.

"It's Gabriella, Ed."

"Oh," he breathed nervously, "Sorry didn't recognize you there."

"It's alright. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was wondering why Harry didn't call me back yesterday. Is he okay? Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah we're fine. He went out at around midnight and didn't come back. Forgot his phone here too."

"Oh. What happened?"

"I actually don't know. We were fine but then he received a phone call from someone named Dave I think. Since then, his mood flipped and he walked out on me without saying anything."

"Dave? Dave called Harry?"

"Yeah. Who's that any way?"

"Just an old friend."

"Don't lie to me Ed!" I screamed over the phone.

"Listen Gabriella, I can't tell you anything unless Harry wants me to. I think you should wait for Harry to tell you all about Dave and his girlfriend."

"Okay." and I thought I knew all there is about Harry Styles.

"I'm sure he'll come around though. When he comes back tell him I called please."

"Sure thing."

"Alright, take care of yourself "

"You too." And by that the line went dead.

Shutting my eyes, I pushed my hair away and let out scream. I hate when people keep secrets. Especially if that person is the one I'm in love with.

Did I just confess my love for Harry?
No, I don't love Harry. It's more like a lust now... Yeah.

The door bell went on and I hurried to open it. Harry's eyes gazed into mine for a few seconds then looked away. I can't help but notice the tiredness in his eyes. He seemed consumed from all the problems in the world. He doesn't know what relaxation is, I can tell.

He walked in without saying anything and sat on the bed, his shaky hands covering his beautiful face. I sat down next to him after I've closed the door. We sat in silence for a few minutes but then I noticed the hot, salty tears flooding down Harry's cheeks and dripping off his chin. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but all that came out were deep, gut-wrenching sobs that tore through his chest and convulsed his thin body.

"I can't do this," he choked pressing his hands against his forehead. I couldn't bear look at him being this weak so I gathered up some nerves and turned his chin so he would look at me.

The depth in his eyes was indescribable. I watched his profound olive eyes glowing into mine with tears forming one after the other breaking every piece in my heart. Instantly, they turned red and puffy. His lips slightly swollen and apart.

Without any word, I hugged his head against my chest and let him cry all he want. He can cry just not away from me. I know Harry and I know how tough he was for the last year without his wife. I can tell how much pain he's been through and although I don't know the main reason for his cries now but I don't care. He can cry all he want now and tell me later.

We fell silent for over ten minutes. Constantly hearing him sob until he calmed down and adjusted himself.
He wiped his eyes including his cheeks over and over again. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. Moments later, he came back and sat next to me.

Without a word, he interlaced his hand with mine and turned to me.

"You don't have to talk about it now baby." I assured him. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.

"I kept my tears in for a long time now, ever since Carter died. The last time I held her, touched her, breathed her... A year ago, that is when I last cried. I don't know how I managed to stay social."

I nodded watching his eyes pierce with pain. My heart shredded at the sight but I remained calm.

"What happened? Who's Dave?" I questioned.

He gazed at his lap then back at me, "Are you ready to hear the whole story?"

I nodded again.

"Dave was one of my best mates. He was in the same troop as me. But when I met Carter, I stopped talking to everyone. It wasn't on purpose but Dave took it that way. On new years eve, Carter and I went to this party organized by the troop. That is when I found out he was with Chloe, my ex-girlfriend. He back stabbed me and I refused to talk to him since then. After that, I found out he was also involved in the scheme planned for Carter and my dad. That is when I last saw him. An evil smile creeped on his face as he moved outside the building leaving me in pain with Carter dying in my grip."

"Oh wow." My mouth shaped in an O as I placed my hand over my mouth. I took a deep breath to comprehend what just happened. His own best friend was involved in the death of his wife? How low is that?

"Why did he call you yesterday?" I asked. Harry's expressions completely changed as if he has seen a ghost. His breathing suddenly quickened.

"I- I-" He muttered, "Let me make sure it's true first then I'll tell you."

"Oh come on Harry. I'm not sure my baby and husband are even alive and I told you about them."

"He said that- well-" His nervousness clear. I held his chin to meet his eyes.

Our eyes locked, "Tell me."

"He said Carter may be alive."

Amnesia {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now