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After I calmed Amelia down, I laid down on the bed with Amelia's head placed in my lap. Fondling her hair, I hummed "The things we lost in the fire". Her sobs and cries have decreased and I'm grateful. I can never see Amelia so down and broken.

"Amelia, I know you're hurting and all, but can I ask you something?" I questioned quietly.

She hummed as a response, "I heard you saying Xavier did the same to you. I never knew there was something between you two before."

"I was married to Xavier too, a long time ago. He killed the baby I was holding and after that, he cheated. I met Edward and I told him about what Xavier did to me. He promised he wouldn't do the same. He said he loved me, deeply and completely. I never thought my Edward would do such a thing. I knew he stopped loving me but I never imagined he would be the same as Xavier."

She let out a tired sigh, "I guess all guys are the same, after all."

I fell silent. I didn't know what to say to calm her down. It was too much to handle, to anyone.

"I wish Harry wasn't my brother," She smiled sadly, "He seems to be the only guy with real emotions. I never heard him talking about someone other than his wife. You're a very lucky girl Gabriella." She whispered the last words.

Gulping, I felt my body tense at her words. I am lucky to have Harry but problems don't seem to leave us alone. Now that Xavier is dead, I thought maybe we could be together. But I was wrong... Again.


"Eyota, gather the troops immediately please." I told her moving around the room.

"I'll tell my troop. They'll come by first." Dave told me and I nodded.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Edward's number. Within a few seconds, I heard his voice through the speaker.

"What's up Harry?" He asked lowly.

"What's up with your voice? Anything wrong? Did anything happen to Gabriella?" I asked instantly.

"No, no! Nothing I just had a disagreement with your sister."

"So you're on a fight?"

"Something like that." He said but I could tell it's more, "What did you want?"

"I want you to come to the Vampire's planet as soon as possible. Zayev, Xavier's brother, knows I killed Xavier. He's starting a war and I need you by my side."

"Okay, I'm on my way." He said.

Dialing Gabriella's number next, my hands began to shake. She picked up within a few seconds.

"Hey Gabri-"

"I miss you Harry. I miss you so much please come back. I- I can't be with you."

"Gabriella," I sighed, "I miss you too but you know I can't come back just yet. Xavier's brother is starting a war."

"Oh." She seemed to be taken back.

"I called to tell you, in case anything happens to me, Valerie is yours to keep. I'm sure you'll take good care of her for-"

"No Harry don't say that. Please don't, I can't lose you too." Her voice cracked.

"I love you Gabriella, so fucking much."

"You're everything to me, Harry." She sobbed.

I only hopped she would tell me she loved me too... But she didn't, she never did.

Amnesia {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now