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Hey, so I deleted "One Chance" and decided to continue here. But this book won't be very long, I assure you.

The ending is different now and "Dimitri" still doesn't exist. But he will appear later on.

Hope you like it xx



"So, when is the wedding?" I ask as she skims through her dresser.

"I don't know." She smiles quietly, "I guess when I deliver my babies."

"Speaking of, have you found out what their gender is?"

"Not yet, maybe after a month or so." She sighs exhaustingly, "I can't wait."

"Noticed." I smile at her.

"What about you? How are you dealing with the whole break up thing? Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, Gabriella." I say quickly trying to escape the subject.

She sits beside me and places her hand over mine, "I'm here for you, you know? Whenever you wanna talk about it."

"I know." I stand up and walk to the balcony for some fresh air.

New York is just a busy town all I can think about is moving. Somewhere more peaceful and... Quiet.

"Hey, everything okay?" Harry stops right beside me.

"Can everyone stop asking me that? I'm fine, Harry."

Just then, Gabriella joins us and stands beside Harry.

"We're just worried about you, Amelia." Gabriella tries to say.

"Guess what, I'm perfectly fine. You don't have to ask me all the time. Reminding me that my husband actually cheated on me, twice. And now I'm just supposed to get over it like nothing happened at all!"

She lets out a breath, "I'm fine, I really am."

"We can see that." Harry eyes me. He wraps his arm around me and I accept it, sighing into his chest.

"You're going to get through this." Gabriella rubs my arm.

"I need to move," I tell him, "Away from here, just for a little while so I could get things off my mind."

"Of course." Harry says quickly and Gabriella opens her mouth then closes it.

"If that's what you want," She looks at me, "We respect your decision."

"Thank you." I smile, "Tell Edward for me."

"Yeah." Gabriella says as I walk away, holding my bag and Jace's.


"I have a bad feeling about this-" She starts.

"Look, she just needs to rest. She's better off without us now."

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"Besides, you've got three babies to take care off. You don't need a fourth one."

She laughs loudly, "Guess you're right. I've got a big baby to take care off right here too." Her hand roams my chest.

"Gabriella, are you seducing me?" I widen my eyes.

"Wha- No!"

"I get it, you're a horny pregnant vampire."

"Vampire?" she raises an eyebrow.

Amnesia {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now