Chapter 1

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We just finished our first show of our Reflection tour. The girls and I can't be more happy to finally have our own tour. We've worked so hard for this these past three years have been amazing. "That was so much fun!" Camila exclaims as we walk off stage to our dressing room. "This tour is going to be amazing." I say linking my arm with Dinah. We all change out of our tour outfits and back into normal clothes. Once we've finished we head back to our bus, Camila runs straight for the fridge as Normani and Dinah head to the back room. That just leaves me and Lauren. I look up at her and smile at her side profile. "What are you gonna do Lo?" I ask. She looks down at me with sparkling green eyes. "Probably just read a book or watch a movie." She replies. I smile, "how about you and I watch a movie?" I suggest. She grins, "Sure Allycat, but we're watching a horror movie." She says walking over to where we keep the movies. I frown. "Lauren you know how much I hate horror movies." I pout up at her. "Aw don't worry Ally, you can sleep in my bunk tonight if you get that scared, you know I'll protect you." She says kissing my forehead as she walks towards the TV. I blush slightly and frown at my thoughts. Why did her kissing my forehead make my heart flutter? What changed? She's been like this for three years, so Why am I suddenly all shy and blushy around her? My eyes widen in horror. No. No I can't like her more than a friend. What would my family think or say if they ever found out that I've felt this way towards a girl. How would Lauren react if she ever knew? No. No one can ever know about these thoughts. It's just a silly phase. Everyone goes through them right? Yeah. I shake my head and sigh deeply. Please just be a phase. "Hello? Earth to Ally." Lauren says waving her hand in front of my face. I blink rapidly and look up into her emerald eyes. "Huh?" I ask still dazed a little. "You okay Allycat? You spaced out on my for a minute there." She asks concerned. I shake my head smiling softly, "Yeah I'm fine Lo." I lie. She looks at me not fully believing me but lets it go. "Alright well let's go watch this movie shall we?" She says smiling. I smile back and nod softly following her over to the couch. She lays down and motions for me to lay with her. My breath gets caught in my throat. Why is this so difficult? Lauren and I always cuddle why am I reacting to this way? I shake my head softly and lay down next to her cuddling up to her. She presses play on the remote and wraps her arms around me protectively. I smile and kiss her cheek before laying my head on her chest. I try and watch the horror movie but it's scary and my thoughts won't leave. Why does being in her arms feel wrong but feel so dang right?

AHH SO THIS IS MY NEW STORY! Do you guys like it? I really enjoy writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it :D

BY THE WAY! The Cover of this story was made by my amazing cousin! This chapter is dedicated to her for making this amazing cover for me! <3

Warning, This story will be triggering. So please do not read if you have get triggered by self harm.

I love you all! <3

Stay Strong and Beautiful

-Kisses Taylor

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