chapter 4

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Authors note: if you are enjoying this story so far then this chapter will be EPIC!!! I won't give you any spoilers but if I were to name this chapter I would call it "the change".

Now let's get on with the story...

Grimmjow's pov

"GRANTZ YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" I tried to grab his annoying asd from across the cubicles. "What's the matter grimmy? Are you just mad that you turned bitch for our new boss?" Said Grantz. "You asking for it," I made my way over the cubicle. I had grabbed a hand full of his pink hair and proceeded to beat that ass. "Who's the bitch now?" I had broke his nose. I had him in a choke hold. "Stop it Grimmjow!!!! He is turning purple!!!" Shouted rangiku. "You all heard him provoke me by calling me a bitch!!!" The pink haired bastard has gotten on my last nerve. He was talking about how I was on a leash that was connected to his fucking pinky finger. He had passed our but I wasn't done. I was in the middle of twisting his head around when some strong hands grabbed me. "It's time to calm down Grimmjow," it was Kenpachi. His soft ass was trying to pry my arms from around Grantz's neck. "Didn't you all hear me? I said I was gonna kill this motherfucker!!!" I yelled. Apparently they were all deaf because Kenpachi was still trying to pry my hands from his throat. I ended up letting go when another pair of hands grabbed my legs. "Get off me chad!!" I was in a blind fury. I saw rangiku calling someone on the phone. "This isn't over Grantz," I shouted as Kenpachi and chad pulled me onto the elevator. Chad had hit the lobby button and we began our decent. "Why did you stop me?!?! You all heard him provoke me with that bull shit," I half shouted. Chad looked down and Kenpachi sighed. His walkie began to buzz.

Yeah...yeah....on the elevator sure?...alright. we will head up now.

He put his walkie back on his hip. "Well kid, the boss man upstairs wants you in his office pronto," said Kenpachi. Oh great...the object of my anger wants me in his office...I done did it now...I thought as chad hit the 50th floor button. The elevator dinged on the lobby floor. When No one got on or off it closed back up and headed to the 50th floor. Kenpachi put his override key in the lock so the elevator would go straight to the floor.

It dinged on the floor and i was dragged out. I was a mess. My hair was even more messy. The jacket to my blue suit I wore had been torn with little blood stains on it. We had walked up to his office door. "Nick?" Said Kenpachi. "We have a gift for you." Why the fuck did he say it like that?...I thought when I heard a muffled 'bring him in'. He opened the door and I was dragged in and seated. "That will be all," he said shooing them away. I grunted. He had better keep them here for in case shit get crazy...I thought. "Are you sure, Mr Nick?" I heard chad say. "It'll be alright, I can take care of myself." This cocky son of a bitch. He thinks he's all that...I thought. Kenpachi and the kid walked off, shutting the door behind them. I grinned," are you sure about that?" He stood up from his chair. He was huge. Like almost bodybuilder huge compared to me. He wasn't busting out of his shirt but he looked like he could easily snap me in two. " Are you sure you wanna go down this road, Grimmjow? This suit does come off just so you know. I'll be able to just write it off as self defense. You are already about to loose job. I don't think you wanna add assault," I couldn't help but sit back in my seat. This dude was pissed. It made me feel like I was in front of my dad after getting suspended again. He sat back down. " what the fuck is this I'm hearing about you fighting on the 20th floor?" You could hear the anger in his voice. I suddenly felt small. " I was just...I was just so angry. I mean said that I had to calm down and i tried to...but Grantz just started making fun of me and I snapped," I said. Damn...Grantz may have been a dick, but he was right about me being on a leash...I thought. I felt so ashamed. That's why I fucking hate this guy so much. He rambled about policies and procedures. "....I'm gonna have to let you go," he signed. Wait....hold on. I caught that last part. This guy is going to fire ME?!?! " What?!?! What do you mean 'you gonna have to let me go'? I very been working here for ten years. You can't just fire me like that," I got too much shit to pay for to be jobless. " Well you should have thought of that when you let someone provoke you to the point of fighting," he said. " got bills and shit man! I just bought a brand new Lamborghini. The insurance for that car is through the roof! Not to mention my rent and utilities are due and i blew my last check on the car!" I was getting anxious. I can't afford anything with just unemployment. "Well you should have thought of that before you let Grantz provoke you to the point of fighting," he started to reach for his phone. I need to do something to calm him down or I'm fucked...I thought. I pulled the plug.

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