chapter 33

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"hey nick..." kyoroku was laying with one leg over my waist while we were on the sofa. he somehow convinced me to let him wear his raggedy boxers again. it was just loose pieces of cloth at this point. "yeah..." when i had got home after work today, he was just sitting on the sofa watching tv. "i was thinking...and i was getting used to being a dad," he said. i don't know if i would like where this was going. "ok," i said. he sat up and looked at me. "you see...the kids i had with rangiku weren't actually mine. i cant have kids. so...i was thinking and i think we should adopt some," he said. i sighed. i kinda felt bad for him not being able to have kids but i don't know if this was the right time for us to get some. we literally just started dating like two days ago. it was Friday after work and we were just watching tv. "im totally for kids but not this early in the relationship," i said. he seemed to think it over. he nodded. "i see your point," he said. he just laid back down with one leg over me. we continued to watch tv. it was a long while before i noticed kyoroku moving around. i looked at him. he was restless. i could see him growing harder by the second. there was something that was turning him on. "hey nick," he asked. i knew what he wanted. " yeah..." i said reluctantly. "i want to have sex," he said flatly. i knew it was coming. i knew it. i sighed. he pulled off his undies and sat up. he straddled me and kissed me. i put my hands on his waist. he was growing more desperate. he put his arms around my neck and making the kiss deeper. i could feel his heart beat out his chest. his dick kept stabbing me in the stomach. there was a knock at the door. he just ignored it and kept trying to get my shirt over my head. it knocked harder. he paid it no attention. i hit him hard on the ass. he clenched and pulled my shirt off. i patted him again. he finally pulled away for air. "the door," i said. he grimaced at me and got up. he walked to the door naked. "whoever the hell you are you need to come back later," he said as he opened the door. he looked at hisagi. hisagi looked at him. "nick, who the hell is he," they both said in unison. i sighed. "um...he is my husband," said hisagi. "why the hell are you calling my boyfriend your husband?" said kyoroku. they looked at each other. they seemed to be checking each other out. i may be able to use this to my advantage. "hisagi...would you be so kind as to let kyoroku fuck you? im so tired and he is horny. do it for me," i said. "umm...ok. if that is what you want," said hisagi. "oh baby you shouldn't have," said kyoroku as he grabbed hisagi and pulled him inside. he pulled him to the sofa and pulled off his clothes. he didn't hesitate to push inside. hisagi let out a scream as kyoroku fucked him mercilessly. i sighed as hisagi reached for my hand. he kept reaching but i didn't let him touch me. kyoroku pulled out and flipped him on his stomach. he pushed right back in. hisagi kept reaching for me but i scooted away. i continued to watch tv.

it was around three hours before kyoroku seemed to be done. i sighed. hisagi limped over to grab me. "nope. to be honest i don't want to see you again," i said flatly. he seemed devastated. he kept reaching for me. kyoroku grabbed him. "didn't you hear my boyfriend? he said he don't want to see you again," he picked him up and his clothes and tossed him out the door. he walked back and sat on my lap. i sighed. "thank you. he was so hard to get rid of. he never took no for an answer," i said. "i could tell," he said. i continued to watch tv. "hey nick," he said. "yeah.." "im still horny," he said. i could see he was already hard again. ichigo wasn't lying when he said his appetite was growing. "ok," i got up and he followed me to the bedroom. i laid down and pulled off my undies. he put me in his mouth. he was good. really good. i got hard. he pulled me out and laid face down on the bed. i got up and flipped him on his back. he looked at me surprised. i pulled his hips to mine and pushed inside. he gasped and clenched. i put his legs up on my hips and pushed all the way inside. he clenched harder and came. he relaxed. he looked at me with a confused expression. "that is called your prostate," i pulled out and hit it again. he got super hard again. his breathing rapidly increased. he had some drool coming out the corner of his mouth. i leaned down and kissed him. he kissed back lazily. i grinned. i started thrusting. his eyes rolled to the back of his head as i fucked him. he came. i kept going. i came. i kept going. he turned to a rag doll. i kissed his neck and i pushed as far in as i could. he let out a long moan. i kept going. i finally finished. he went to sleep right after. i pulled up the covers and dozed off.

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