Those 6 Words...(Pt. 1)

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Author's note: this story is.....interesting. at least i thought it was when i thought of the idea. i think you will like it.


reader pov

i was excited. really excited. today is the day. gin has graduated. the twins are in their sophomore years. yachiru and nemu are in their freshmen years. the last one, soi fon, is getting shipped off today. she wanted to go to college out of state and i was just fine with it. she got a 30 on the ACT so she is free and clear, although i would have still paid for college but yeah. all of our kids didn't really need me to pay for college. gin did the best with a perfect 33 on the ACT. yachiru and the twins got a 31 while nemu and soi fon tied with a 30 on the ACT. they are brilliant. i really wish they were our flesh and blood so i could be even more proud but....i guess its fine. gin and his wife, yuzu, and their triplets have moved out weeks ago after gin got a really good job out of the city. the twins live in the dorms. yachiru is in a sorority. nemu chose to move into an apartment with a friend. the last one...soi fon, she didn't know what she wanted to do. she was staying with us till she decided and i was soooo excited when she told us she would be moving into an apartment by herself. i told her i would pay for it but she was like 'if you take care of me for the rest of my life, ill never grow up'. i couldn't help but grin at my little grown woman. trying to take care of herself and shit. moves me to tears. nevertheless....we packed her bags last night. she refused to let me give her some money. its just her, two suitcases, and a U-Haul outside against the mean streets of the soul society. its kinda cruel. she wouldn't even tell me where at in the country. just the soul society. i helped her put the suitcases on the U-Haul. she stood in front of me. yeah. i was crying. my youngest baby off to college all on her own. i was an emotional wreak at every pivotal moment in their lives, especially soi fon's cause we had her since she was a baby. now she is 20 and i didn't think i would see the day. she smiled. "dont cry father, its not forever, just like....6 years? im sure ill visit you and dad sometime during that time. you will be fine. by the way....where is dad? i haven't seen him all day," she said. i shrugged. "he is a grown man. i stopped wondering where he goes a long time ago. as long as he dont smell like someone else and he has all of his limbs, i give zero fucks," i caressed her face. i hugged her. soooooo hard. never ceases to get tears outta me. she hugged me back. i sighed. i let her go. i wiped my tears. "dont call me everyday, father," she said as she got on the truck. i sighed. "how else will i make sure you are ok? you refused to tell me where you were going soo i have to call you," i shrugged. she chuckled. "i love you, father, and dont forget to tell dad i love him too," i nodded and she drove off.

i sighed. the last of the six just left for who knows how long. its just me and my husband. i giggled. who would have thought that when i first met the blue haired bastard, i would still be married to him after 17 years. shit. im old. really old. im like....45? that would make him like 43. shit. talk about growing old together. i jogged back in the house. i went to the bathroom and looked at myself. i haven't really paid attention to myself. i took off my shirt. i grinned. still haven't stopped working out and it shows. id say i look around 35. ive aged pretty well. no wrinkles. great skin. the perks of being mega rich. really easy to keep yourself up. i still get hit on by girls and guys. its funny. i sighed. alone in this big ole house. just me and grimm. still makes me chuckle. when i first bought this house, we had sex in every single room. all 15-ish bedrooms, all 10 bathrooms, the kitchen, living rooms, dens, the balcony, in all the hallways. damn. thinking about it now, i had an outrageous libido. i dont think grim was really all that....into it as much as ive been. i dont know. he still took it and did a damn good job of making me think he was all good with it but....i know better. i know that sex has dulled for him. i dont know. i need to stop thinking about it. if there was something wrong, grimm would have told me. we talk that much. im sure it would have came up in one of our conversations. one thing i would change? maybe not have gotten as big a house. maybe 4 instead of 6 kids but its fine now. they are all gone now. for at least the next few years. sure gin and his wife visit every now and then to let me see my grandkids but not that often. that i think about it, grimm was never really into the kids. i dont know why but he didn't seem all that enthused about raising kids together with me. its weird cause they were his idea but im not all that worried about it. raising kids ended, at least for me, around 20 minutes ago now. its just me and him. we should take a vacation. we haven't been on one by ourselves in like 3 years soo its long over due. yeah. not some where we've already been either. we've been to all the usually places. france, Italy, Germany, Russia, Bahamas, etc. seen it all. shit. i dont even know where we could go. im sure we can figure a place out. i mean....we are married after all.

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