chapter 36

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reader pov

1 year later

"i told you. you don't need a job. i make 30 million a year. we are set for life," all i got were grunts in return. "ok be like that. get a job if you want to. we can donate the money to charity," he just grunted. i sighed. i guess it was to be expected. he wasn't able to get that job that one time and he was super depressed about it. i kept telling him it was fine but he insists on pouting. "...just...get me a job back at hollows inc," he said. i kinda didn't want him working for me again. don't get me wrong, it was fine the first time, but i have a feeling it will complicate our relationship. "you know why i cant do that. having a relationship at work will put unnecessary strain on ours," i explained for the umpteenth time. he just grunted. "....i don't want to spend the rest of my life waiting for you to get home," he said. "you don't have too. just get a hobby or something," i said. "im not a fucking house sitter," he countered. i grabbed his waist and pulled him into a kiss. he grunted but kissed back. i pulled away. "it only seems like that because you think of it like that," i said. he just looked at me. a light blush appeared on his cheeks.  it never ceased to turn me on. he could tell. he looked away. i grabbed his chin and pulled him into another kiss. he pushed his tongue in my mouth. he felt around. i sighed. this was on a daily basis with him. literally. every single day. he grabbed my head and pulled making the kiss deeper. i sighed. every day i get home from work, im always met with a pouting grimmjow. he always seemed depressed about something. when we would hold hands, his grip wasn't like it used to be. it was dull and distant. like he was planning on leaving. there was always an airy tension in the air. like i was missing something. im always missing something but ive actually been feeling it lately. i had been looking at the ring for months now. i still cant find the right moment. it wasn't anything fancy. just a nice platinum band with my name engraved on it. i think it would mean a lot more to him. like a branding or permanent marking. like i was declaring him mine, like he did a while ago. in a way that is exactly what i would be doing. if i ever proposed that is. he grunted. i must have spaced out. the kiss became desperate. he always kissed me like i could run away at any moment. i never knew why. he always seemed like he was fleeting. especially as of late. i would always dread coming home. i would always be on the verge of tears, thinking 'shit. this is the day, isn't it? the day he wont be there when i get home' sometimes i actually did cry about it. yeah i cried. so what? im a man but i still have feelings and the like. i pulled away. he just grunted with a blush. he was still hot. he could still be a stripper if he wanted to. he'd have to go through my dead body though. i couldn't have all those men and women fawning over him. i released his waist and headed to the shower. i locked the door. he would always bang on it for at least 20 min demanding to be let in. tonight was different. as was the past three weeks. the door remained silent. not even the sound of the door handle jiggling. i sighed. i got in the shower. it was warm. the water felt good. i got out and toweled off. i wrapped it around my waist. i paused before stepping out. shit. i was crying again. every time the thought of him not being there when i came out would be devastating. i was just waiting for it to happen. i wiped my tears and stepped out. i sighed. he was just sitting on the sofa watching tv. i went into my room. it was late. im going to bed. i put on some undies and climbed in. i pulled up the covers. around ten minutes later he came in. he pulled off all his clothes. he climbed in. i heard snoring. i sighed. he hasn't been wanting to cuddle for a while now. at least he would fall  asleep looking at me. he laid on his stomach with his head facing me. he snored. his face would cringe in disgust but then relax. occasional groan. i  sighed. i turned over and looking in the night stand drawer. the little black box. it was nice. not expensive. i had a feeling this was something i wanted to spend under a thousand dollars on. i picked it up. it felt nice in my hand. like it costs several million instead of the 300 it did cost. i opened it up. it was simple. simple ring in his size. shiny. if i tilted my head, i could see my name on it. i sighed. i closed it. it was Friday night. i guess i could find a time tomorrow, right?

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