The Fleeting Powerhouse (Pt. 2)

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neliel pov

i finally got him all together. he wore a casual black suit with a white shirt and no tie. i had to scrub his face of all the make up, as well as his hands. nothing about him said manly, until now. i found one of his pairs of dress shoes. made him put it on. i had to fight him to get him to walk, talk, and carry himself like a man. i looked him over. " do i look?" he grunted. i grinned. "perfect," i said. he ran a hand through his slicked back purple hair i tied in a manly. i was actually weak in the knees. "you are a natural, charlotte. shit!! we need you to change that name to something more manly," i furrowed my brows in thought. i popped my head cause a manly version of his name is obvious. "Charlie Coolhorne," i wrote it on a piece of paper in the new spelling. he looked at it. "this better be worth it. you literally removed and covered up everything that makes," he grumbled. "do you want the d or not? im tired of telling you that this is all for a purpose. this..." i gestured to his out fit," what they like. they like MEN. not bad bitches like me and you. if you want to catch those man candies' eye then you need to look the part, now, do you have all the different speech patterns i printed out for you?" i asked. he pulled the paper out his pocket and looked it over. "know them like you know make up and he will melt for you, ok?" i asked. he grunted. "tsk...looks like im gonna need to use those acting classes i took in college," he grumbled. i nodded. "look at the bright side. when this is all said and done he will fuck the shit outta you. now, i need to butter him up. you stay here. ill call ya when i have a place for you to meet him," i turned on my heels and headed out.

i got back to the house and headed straight to grimm's room. i opened the door. i sighed. butt naked with nick's shirt over his face beating off like there is no tomorrow. didn't even notice when i opened the door. i cleared my throat. "fuck off," he grunted. he let out a low groan as he came on himself. "nick is outside," i said. he jumped up, the shirt falling to cover him. "r-r-really?!" he looked at me with so much hope i almost regretted lying to him. almost. "he said he was still mad but there is something you could do to make him forgive you," i said. he stood up and gripped my shoulders. "what did he say?! ill do it. ill fucking do anything!!" he shook me. "i doubt you will be able to do anything looking like that," i gestured to his nude cum covered form. he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. i couldn't help but chuckle. he is soooo easy to manipulate. i jogged to noitora's room and grabbed one of his suits. that is one thing that is convenient. both of them are the same build. except grimmjow was much bigger where it mattered. i headed back to the room and set it on the bed. i waited as he showered. he came out a few minutes later butt naked drying his hair. "where is he?" he asked. i motioned to the suit. he grunted as he dug out some undies and a tee before putting on the suit. he adjusted it till he looked like the old grim i know. "take me to him. NOW," he grumbled. i sighed. i started fixing the collar of his shirt. "nick didn't come back, grimmjow," i said flatly. "WWWHHHAAATTTT!!" he started trying to rip the clothes off but i stopped his hands. "now, now. listen to me. i have a surefire way of getting him back," i said. that got his attention. "what?" he grunted. "we, me and you, we are gonna make him jealous," i said with a sly grin. "nick doesn't get jealous," he grumbled. "i think he will this time. ive got it all worked out for ya. all you gotta do is be you," i smoothed out his suit. "ill do anything to make him come back," he grumbled. i grinned.

30 minutes later....

charlotte pov

these pants are too tight, this shirt is too loose, these shoes hurt my feet, and i feel soooooo ugly without my make up on. its enough to bring a girl to tears i tell ya. the only thing that feels right is these panties. that's the only thing that makes me feel like myself. i sighed. the things im wiling to do for a 9in dick, huh? i went to the coffee shop like she asked me to, more like the bitch demanded it of me. i took a seat at a two seat table and waited. i was getting nervous. palms sweaty and shit. 'its completely natural. just let the inner man in you flow and you will be fine' tsk....there aint no inner man in me honey. all i want is a man in me, if ya know what im sayin. sit in the chair lazily, legs spread wide. i told the bitch that's not lady like but again, she responded 'not trying to be a lady. you are trying to be a man'. lean on your hand as you sip coffee with a bored expression. talk with base in your voice. no sass. no hair flipping. no girl talk. the speech pattern is really simple. grunts that can mean yes and no, and short definitive sentences. act like you have somewhere else to be. show that you want this, not need this, and make sure its very clear. show a dominant side but hint that you prefer to take it. all these demands are jumbling up my fucking head. she better be glad i have a photographic memory or else none of this shit would have worked. i heard the bell ring signaling someone had walked in. i didn't have to act bored cause i was. i wanted to go home and put my night gown on and sleep for the rest of the day. "are you Charlie?" a deep voice that made my insides shift. i glanced up. "you must be grimmjow," i grunted. he took a seat. his cologne smelled divine. this is truly a man right here. "i haven't seen you around here before," he leaned on the table like i was. "just moved here from the soul society about a month ago," i said. "tsk...why would you come here? aint no good shit around here," he grunted. "my friend neliel said there was some sexy dudes here. i had to see for myself," i said. he smirked. "im sure i fit the bill," he said. his cockiness was turning me on. i would love for him to just take me, right across this table. "tsk...ive seen better," i took a sip of coffee. he scratched his head nervously. "yeah...i wont deny that," he said. "what brings you here?" i asked. "certain guy aint trying to pay attention to me. i need to move on cause i got needs," he grumbled. "look man. lets skip the chit chat and shit. i got needs. you got needs. lets go back to my place and help each other out," i stood up. she said be straightforward. lets see how it works. "shit...lets go," he stood up and i followed him out.

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