chapter 14

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reader pov

it was finally the end of the day. i had gathered my things and was heading to the elevator. i peaked in grimmjow's window. he wasn't in there. i sighed. maybe he already went home....i headed to the elevator. it let off on the  lobby and i headed out to my car. i sighed again. grimmjow was waiting outside the door impatiently. he spotted me. he grimaced. "what the hell is keeping you?!?" i sighed. i unlocked it and he got inside.  i got in and got ready to pull off.

i pulled in my house and went inside. grimmjow just followed close behind. i had called for the elevator when he was a few feet away. i quickly got in and the door started to close. grimmjow noticed and broke into a jog to catch it. he got inside and hit the door close button. he hit the 40th floor button and we headed up.

grimmjow was restless while we rode. it was about 5 minutes till the elevator stopped at my floor. he got off quickly and left. i walked cautiously hoping against all odds that he went somewhere else. of course he was waiting impatiently at my door. i reluctantly opened the door. he went straight to my bedroom. he came out a few minutes later with his keys in his hand. he walked right back out, shutting the door behind him. i sighed. i locked it and took a shower. i came out and got dressed in some casual jeans and a tee and sat on the sofa. i figured that was the last id hear from grimmjow. i flipped on the tv.

i had finished making some dinner. it wasn't anything special. just beef stroganoff. i wrapped the leftovers and put them in the fridge. i went back and sat on the sofa. i had got through a few episodes of family guy when i heard a knock at the door. it was like 9 pm so i wasn't expecting anyone. i cautiously walked and opened the door. it was grimmjow with a small suitcase and a book bag. he was still wearing my suit. he just pushed past me and walked in. i looked back at him confused. he just tossed the suitcase and his bag in my room and went to the kitchen. he dug around in the  fridge and pulled out the leftover stroganoff. he put some on a plate, covered it back up, and put the rest back in the fridge. he put the plate in the microwave for a few minutes. when it dinged, he pulled it out, grabbed a fork, and walked and sat on my sofa. he started eating. i sighed. i guess ill be having a house guest for tonight....i closed and locked the door. i joined him on the sofa. he was eating ferociously, liked he hadn't ate all day. he finished and looked at me. "that was some good shit. you can cook?" he said. i nodded. he got up and put the plate in the sink. he rinsed it and came back to the sofa. he took off his jacket and shoes and grabbed the remote. he pushed play on the episode of family guy. he just sat back and relaxed. i don't know...maybe I'm just over thinking this?.....i  just sat back and watched tv.

it was about midnight when i was starting to get sleepy. grimmjow yawned and walked into the bathroom. i heard the shower. i just went to my room. i stripped to my undies and climbed in bed. i had figured grimmjow would just sleep on the sofa. i set the alarm and rolled over. a few minutes later grimmjow came out the bathroom. he was stark naked and drying his hair. he was walking towards the door. i sighed. looks like he will be spend-....i was pulled from my thoughts when grimmjow closed my bedroom door. i was surprised because he was on the wrong side of the door. he tossed the towel he was using back in the bathroom and started to climb in the bed. he pulled the sheets covering me to the side and laid on his stomach. he pulled up the cover. "um...grimmjow?" i asked. he grunted. "why are you here instead of at home?" i asked flatly. "ikkaku and renji are next door to me. there is only a wall between their bedroom and mine," he said. i sighed. i could see why he wouldn't want to stay there but why here? i just pushed it back in my head and went to sleep.

i woke up early. grimmjow was still sleep. i got up and took a shower. when i walked out, grimmjow was already up and digging around in my drawers again. i grabbed another suit and put it on. grimmjow had put on another pair of my undies, socks, tee, and he grabbed another of my suits.  he put it on and fixed my tie. he walked out with my keys. out of curiosity, i looked in his bag and suitcase. the bag had a laptop and some hygiene products. the suitcase was full of jeans and tees. he had already packed for the trip. i zipped his stuff back up and headed out.

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