chapter 6

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Reader's pov

I had just got home Saturday morning and went straight to get in the shower. I didn't get a chance to because of Grimmjow freaking out. I guess it was understandable. I mean I would probably freak out too if I woke up next to a naked man with evidence that you had sex even though you could have swore you were straight. I turned the shower on and let the warm water flow over me. I really didn't remember much from last night. Just that when I woke up I kept seeing this image of Grimmjow riding me hard and I needed to tell him to slow down. Everything else is still blurry since I got a lot more drunk than I usually would have.

I walked into my room after my shower. I had just put on my dress shirt and undies before I was practically ran out of his house. I put on a wife-beater and some boxers and went to my living room. I figured I'd give neliel a call since the last time she called me I wasn't able to pick up.


Hello...nick? got a minute?

Sure. I'm just making lunch for Noitora. I can chat.

Well...remember the guy I told you about from last Friday?

How could I forget? You said he was sexy.

Well...I basically had a repeat last night.

Well well well Mr playboy...some one was so good in bed that they wanted seconds.

Well I would have loved for that to be the case but...


Well last time wasn't exactly planned. We were both drunk. I found out today that he was straight since I was rushed out of his house and he was freaking out.


Yeah...(Noitora :babe. I gotta go. My best friend just called me. He is freaking out about last night)...well looks like I won't need to make lunch any more. You wanna hang out? We can grab a bite.

Yeah sure. Where too?

I don't care....umm...I know! We can go to that fancy restaurant downtown.

You mean the one like three doors from Las Noches?

Yup that's the one. You are paying since you make alot of money. I'll meet you there at like 5. Ok?

Sure see you.


***end call***

I glanced at the clock, 3:25 pm. I still had time to get ready. I would be able to see an old friend so maybe she would be able to take my mind off this morning.

I watched some tv for a bit before getting ready. I put on a nice blue dressy type shirt over my tee shirt and put on some black jeans with a blue and black belt. I slipped on some matching jordans. I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet and headed out the door.

I pulled into the restaurant, a few minutes early. It was nice. It was called Urahara's and was pretty high profile. It was also a club. I got a membership with vip and went inside. I told the bouncer that I was waiting for a woman with green hair and that when she arrives, send her back too me. He nodded and I walked into the vip area. It was nice, with big plush red sofas and soft carpet. I sat at a booth and waited for a waiter. A man with long blond hair walked up too my table," good evening sir. I'm Kisuke Urahara and it the owner of the club. I just want to welcome you to the club and see if you needed help with anything mr.-?" He said reaching a hand out for me to shake. I took it. "I'm (f/n) (l/n) but please call me nick. This is a wonderful establishment. I look forward to the services you offer," I said. "Thank you very much for your patronage, Mr Nick. I'll have someone serve you immediately." He smiled and walked away. I could still him faintly talking to someone.

Just A Thing  (Seme Male Reader x Grimmjow) {Bleach}Where stories live. Discover now