chapter 30

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reader pov

2 weeks later

" not going. im coming home with you," i sighed. grimmjow was acting like a little kid. he keeps telling me he wont be going to the hospital. stark had taken a turn for the worse and is hospitalized. with lilynette gone on her trip, grimmjow cant stay here by himself. "do i need to call the crazy people to put you in a straight jacket and strap you down?" i was at wits end. he just shook his head. "im not fucking crazy but you must be if you think im gonna stay in the damn hospital," he folded his arms. it was aggravating for him to be this way. "im just gonna call kyoroku so he can bring some of his guards to drag your ass out this house," i pulled out my phone. he snatched it. i reached for it. "gimme my damn phone," i reached. he put it behind his back. nope. not gonna fall for this trick. ive used the same one. if i get to close, ill be attacked and that wont happen. i pulled back. i shrugged. he seemed confused. "don't you want your phone back?" he asked. i shook my head. "ill just get another one. you can keep it," he pouted. he just held it out to me. "here...take your damn phone," i cautiously reached for it. shit....he grabbed my hand and i was pulled into a kiss. i sighed. looks like ill literally have to drag him. i slowly put my hands around his waist. he put his arms around my neck. i grinned. i tossed him over my shoulder. he writhed. "let me down," he demanded. i shook my head. "your ass is going to the damn hospital whether you want to or not," i proceeded to the car. he struggled. i hit him hard on the ass. "FUCK!!" he rubbed it. i opened the door. "watch your head," i literally tossed him inside. i closed it and locked it from the outside. i put on the child safety lock. he tried to open it. he banged on the window. "LET ME THE FUCK OUT!!" he screamed. i sighed. "if you want to act like a child then i will treat you like one," i got in the driver side. i had put a small gate between the back and front seats so he couldn't just climb over and drive. he tried to reach through the small bars. "this is fucked up," he just gave up and sat back. i pulled off. 

i pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. having to fight with grimmjow all day made me loose track of time. it was already dark. i walked over to the back seat. "you can walk in or get carried in. its your choice," i said plainly. he just grimaced at me. i opened the door and he stepped out. i motioned towards the hospital. he just grunted and walked towards it. i followed. he kept trying to grab my hand but i wouldn't let him. "GODDAMN IT NICK JUST HOLD MY FUCKING HAND!!" he was pissed. i sighed. "im here to check him into the hospital," i told the receptionist. she looked at grimmjow still trying to grab my hand. he was fuming. he kept grunting when my hand would move out of the way. "umm...what is wrong with him?" she asked. "he was....its kinda personal but he will need to be checked for any stds and the like. probably check his...behind for leftovers...i think you get the gist of what im saying," she nodded. "damn it nick," grunted grimmjow when i moved my hand out the way. some nurses came a few minutes later. "this way, sir," they motioned for grimmjow to follow. when he wouldn't go they just grabbed him and started to take him away. he reached for me. "i might come visit you later. just be good," i called after him. "YOU BETTER COME SEE ME!!" he screamed as he rounded the corner. i sighed. "ok...what room is stark in?" i asked. she typed something on the computer. "6th floor to the left. follow the cancer ward signs," i nodded and went to the elevator.

i finally walked in. it was kind of a sad room. loads of people only separated by curtains. i walked around till i found him. i closed the curtain around us and took a seat next to him. he reached for my hand. i took it. "how are you doing?" i asked. he just looked at me. he was so pale. his hair had fallen out a couple of days ago. he just had a mass of bandages covering it since he couldn't wear a hat. " shit," his voice cracked a bit. i sighed. he had gone frail the past week so i couldn't squeeze his hand like i used to. id break something. i kissed his hand. there was a long moment of silence. nothing but the sounds of his heart monitor in the room. lilynette had called a few days ago to see if she could stay longer. i told her i had no problem but she might miss his last few days. she told me that was fine. she didn't want to watch her brother die. she said that as long as i was there in the end that would be fine. i sighed. at least she was having a good time. i was pulled from my thoughts when his heart monitor sped up. i looked at him. he just looked back at me. "...just...just more kiss..." i got up and kissed him gently. he squeezed my hand as hard as he could. the heart monitor flat lined. i felt the warm tears flow as he stopped kissing back. the doctor told me a while ago that he would die sometime today but it was still devastating. i didn't want to accept it. that at some time, his hand would go limp in mine, like it was now. that he would stop kissing me. that he would die earlier than what was predicted. he had laid back on the bed with a smile on his face. at least he went with some joy. he smiled as the darkness took him. i sighed. i was single now, and not because i wanted to be. there was some yelling. i didn't really understand it. nor did i care. i felt hands pull me away. i just let them. i knew if i stayed, id be there all night. waiting. waiting for him to wake up. knowing he wouldn't. i was forced out the room. i need some one to hold. there was only one person in the immediate vicinity. i didn't want to but i need too.  i walked down to the receptionist. "where is he?" she looked at me surprised. yeah i was still crying. so what? why wouldn't i cry when my boyfriend just died in my arms. his hand had went limp in mine. "he is in 305," i nodded and headed to his room.

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