Father and Daddy

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Author's note: this is just a bonus chapter based off the story. it basically tells the story of the reader, grimmjow and your six kids. meant to be funny...there may be more bonus chapters if i keep coming up with more situations or if they are suggested.


5 years after wedding...

reader pov

"did you get the van like i asked..." he just grunted. "ok....you know why i suggested we get a van. we talked about this," i said. "...the fuck i look like driving a van," he said. i sighed. "when you said you wanted six kids, i didn't protest. at all. i make 50 million a year. whether you wanted 1, 6, or fucking 600 i would have the money to take care of us. parenting is a job for two, not one," i explained. he just grunted. he handed me the keys. "these are them?" he nodded. "ok...the last time we talked about this, you went and bought a fucking new Mercedes. there better be a caravan in the garage," i said. he just looked away. i walked out the door to the garage. i sighed. he finally got the van. gin ran up to me and hugged my leg. "father...will you take me to the park, today?" he said. i sighed. he was the oldest of the six at 10 years old. he was...a handful at times. he was smart. brilliant actually. just...super sneaky. he was always the one who caught me and grimmjow having sex. i sighed. "did you ask your dad?" he just thought about it. when we finally got the paperwork through on the six we had decided to both go by dad. it turned out to be a REALLY  big problem for them at school. gin had came home one day and talked to grimm. he asked him 'where is our mommy?'. i thought he would just simply say something parent-ly but he didn't. 'your dad is only mommy for your other dad, ok?' i was pissed when gin came up to me one day. 'why did dad say that he was only mommy for you, dad?' yeah. what a way to find out. i was brought from my thoughts when he patted my leg. i looked down at him. "i...i didn't ask him. can i go ask him now?" i nodded. he ran in happily. i heard loud grunting. gin came back out immediately. he was pouting. "he said only if the others will come too. he doesn't want to have to stay home alone with them," i sighed. that was grim. everyday. he was the one who wanted them, yet for some reason i was the one who always took care of them. i got to a knee and hugged him. "go tell daddy that if he gets the others ready, then father will do the thing tonight," i whispered in his ear. he nodded. i let him go and he ran back inside. i heard some shuffling and running. out came grim barefoot in his jeans and tank top. "...y-y-you promise?" he said. i sighed. i nodded. he grinned maniacally. "ok. ill get em ready," he ran back inside. i sighed. gin grabbed my hand as i walked to the new van. it was huge. more like a hummer or big truck. he finally got the van. he must have went for the one that was the most manly. i opened it up and gin got in. i looked at the door. out came jin, jinta, yachiru, and nemu. i sighed. nemu, our second youngest still needed to be in a car seat. the twins, jin and jinta, who were the second oldest at 8, were way too hyper. he must have given them sugar to get them to leave him alone. they all walked over and got in one after another. i buckled in nemu. i waited for the last one. i waited and waited. i sighed. i didn't see the other car seat so grim must be getting it out the house. i walked over and got in the driver seat. there was a bottle of liquor in between the front seats. i told him so many times that we have kids. this was it. "GODDAMN IT GRIMMJOW!!!" there was oohs from the kids. he finally came out with soi fon in his arms. he was carrying the other car seat. "what?!?! i got the other fucking car seat..." he walked over and put the car seat in. he set her in it and buckled her in. he hopped in the passenger side. i just looked at him. he looked at me. "what?" i glared. he jumped. "what did i do?" i pointed at the bottle that was open and half gone. "daddy is gonna get a spanking. daddy is gonna get a spanking. daddy is gonna g-" he glared at yachiru. she shrunk back in her seat. i couldn't help but chuckle. it was still funny when she would tease him. one time, she walked in on him giving me head. when she asked what he was doing, he replied 'nothing baby. daddy's just sucking on his favorite lollipop' i hit him hard on the ass. he jumped and blushed. she giggled so hard i thought she might get sick. he glared at me. "just get rid of the bottle. i would have flipped if one of the kids was curious enough to try it," i said. he just grinned. he picked it up and was about to chug it. i hit him on the arm. "are you fucking stupid?" i said. he shrugged. "you said get rid of the bottle. what if the kids found it in the trash?" he said. i sighed. i didn't want to deal with drunk grim at the park. he always wanted to fuck in the bushes while they were on the monkey bars. "gimme the damn bottle," i held out my hand. he pulled it away and started to drink. i reached for it. the kids started cheering. the girls cheered for grim and the boys cheered for me. when the spit happened i don't remember but i do remember that it was funny when it did. i grabbed his arm and yanked him towards me. he choked and pulled the bottle from his mouth. he kissed me. he pushed the liquor in my mouth. i spit it out. "damn it grimmjow!! im driving!!! we have 6 fucking kids in the car!!" i yanked the bottle from his hand. he was blushing. i face palmed. yeah he was drunk now. the last time he was drunk while me and the kids were away, i had to explain that all the puddles on the sofa were lotion and not cum. this will be a mess.

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