Father and Daddy: The Teen Chronicles

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Author's note: last of the Father and Daddy series. i believe this one will round out the story concerning the kids. i have been sitting on an idea for another small series called "The Obsession" featuring Hisagi's story and maybe Kyoroku's story. may or may not do it. also may do a bit about college life too. i know, its a lot. im more than obsessed with the world of this story. of course these extra stories aren't part of the original. that is like 35 chapters + the epilogue. these are optional if you want to see what it would be like raising kids with grimm.

now...enough of my rambling. on with the story...

reader pov

i was woken up in the middle of the night with grim's shuffling. "hey. are you awoke?" i asked. "...yeah...i cant sleep," he whispered. i sighed. i had finally got the regular grim back and i cant sleep. he kept shuffling. "did you mean what you asked last night?" he asked me last night if we could switch roles. "of course i did. if you would have said 'yes' or 'maybe' then i would have left you. period," he explained. i sighed. he kept shuffling. "...did you give him the money?" he asked after a moment of silence. "of course not. he has to have a detailed plan," i got grunts in response. all of the kids still lived with us. despite gin being 20 and in college, he still loved being at home. i guess it made sense. no curfew, all utilities paid, his own room, grim made me get a pool installed. he had recently asked me for a ridiculous amount of money. like...a lot. 'dad. can i have $53,000' just out the blue. i happened to have that in my wallet but it didn't mean i was gonna give it to him without good reason. he didn't have debt. i was putting him through school. he wants to be a molecular engineer. it was an interesting career choice but i looked into it. they make good money. entry level is at 200k a year. still didn't know why he wants that much money. "...why not? don't you have that in your wallet?" he asked. "doesn't mean im gonna give it to him. at least not without good reason. what the hell would he need with all that money?" i said. "...he told me that it was for....it was for..." he trailed off. he knew what he wants it for but it was a secret from me. "that right there is why i wont give it to him," i said plainly. he grunted. "are you gonna buy the twins a car?" he asked. i had thought about it. they were 18 now. had their licenses. i could if i wanted too. "i remember when i got my first car. not gonna throw money away like that," i said. another grunt. "you are gonna turn them against you," he said. "what would you want to do?" i said. he hadn't had an opinion on stuff lately so this was the opportune time for it. "...if i made money like you, i would spoil them. rotten," he said. "that is why im father and you are daddy. father gives what they need. daddy gives what they want. you can take my card and get em a car if you want too but you will deal with the repercussions. im not gonna go get em when they wreck it," i explained. "ive driven with both of them. they wont wreak it. trust me," he said. i sighed. it was early but not too early. i was getting my energy back a lot faster than anticipated. grim grabbed my hand and pushed it down. yeah. he wasn't lying when he said he would be ready to go in the morning. "did you get your energy back?" he asked. "nope," i lied. he grunted. i got ready to get out the bed. "i thought you didn't have any energy," he said as i got up. "i don't. my sex drive is out of commission for a while," i walked into the bathroom. i locked the door. yeah. he knocked asking to be let in. i took a quick shower. i headed out in my towel. "you need to help me clean, and no, you didn't clean me out last night. not the second time," he said. i sighed. i was pulled into the shower again. he grabbed my towel and turned on the water. "so...how do you feel about yachiru obsession with gay porn?" he bent over and i washed him. "....umm...its unique?....didn't think she would be interested in it," he said. none of our kids were gay or even bi. i was freaking out because i thought they would because we are. "...i don't think she should watch us," i said. he grunted. "why not? if anything, you can be really educational. you are really good at what you do," he stood up and washed his groin. i stepped out and dried off. "that isn't the point here. she is interested in gay PORN. that means she wants to watch for enjoyment," i said. i took a seat on the toilet seat. "yeah....i see your point," he washed his hair. "hey...how were you feeling when we first got together sober?" i had always meant to ask him but kept forgetting. he seemed to think it over. "...this is gonna hurt," he said flatly. i was taken aback. he noticed. "you seem to not understand how big you are. you are fucking huge. no matter what you do, it will always be felt. all you can do is coax people into changing the pain into pleasure," he explained. "you knew it was gonna hurt but you still went through with it?" i asked. he nodded. "i wasn't lying when i said you were good at what you do. still hurt but felt good at the same time. it really helped that i was already super horny at the time," he said. i sighed. "i still feel bad for that. you were drunk. i was a bit buzzed. i could have stop-" he cut me off. "nah. im glad actually. i mean...i had a thing for ya when i first saw ya in aizen's office," he said. he turned off the water and stepped out. i handed him my towel. "for many reasons, i have a problem with that statement," i said. he looked at me. "yeah. apparently, i have a thing for those with power over me. it feels like anger but from being with you. your dominant personality, stature, how you carry yourself, confidence, etc. you still haven't changed and we have been married for 15 years. i still feel the same way i did when i first met you," he explained. there was a knock at the bathroom door. i grabbed another towel and wrapped it around my waist. he did the same with my old on. i opened the door. "you had sex didn't you? with ikkaku and renji?" it was yachiru. "yeah. you should have saw him, i didn't think he could make anyone scream like that," said grimmjow. she giggled. "you must never hear yourself," she said. he blushed. she looked at me. "how did you know?" i asked. "i heard you talking on the phone two days ago when auntie nel came over," she said. "you shouldn't eavesdrop," i said. she held up a hand. "don't give me that. i heard him screaming through your phone," she said. we walked past her and to the drawers. we pulled up our undies under our towels. "i don't know why you still treat it like a secret. daddy used to walk around naked all the time, ESPECIALLY when you were gone, father. ive seen him naked more than i saw him with clothes," she said. i pulled on some jeans. i could feel him staring at me. he was waiting for me to get mad. "daddy is waiting for his spanking. that is mean. don't make him wait," she said. i put on a shirt. i grinned. he shuffled back. i did nothing. "oh...that is cold. you better brace yourself daddy. you wont see it coming or know what it is," she chimed. i walked out. i walked into the living room. jin was sitting on the sofa playing a game. jinta was in the kitchen eating something. nemu ran up and hopped in my lap. i sighed. she was still super clingy. "dad. did you talk with dad?" gin just walked in the house. i nodded. "ok....so..." "i still haven't decided. apparently this secret isn't for my ears," i said. i grabbed a controller and played with jin. he whined because i started to beat him 2 minutes after i started. "no fair. i just bought this game today and you are at expert level," he grunted. "never heard of this game. just so you know," i loved rubbing it in to him. he was a sore loser. grim came in from the kitchen with a sandwich. he set it on the table. he just looked at me. "oh...daddy what did you do this time?" asked gin. he just grunted. nemu started to grab at the controller. still was beating jin. another grunt. "sometimes...i just want to hate you. just hate your guts. if only you weren't so wonderful and i didn't love you so much," grunted jin. he was trying to throw me off. i was still beating him. grim just stood there waiting for me to do something. gin just walked into the kitchen and started messing with jinta. grim walked over immediately to stop them. a series of grunts and they stopped yelling at each other. i finished the game and left jin alone. he sighed in relief. i always beat his high score by leaps and bounds. every time. nemu got off my lap and i walked out the door.

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