Chapter 12

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- Sehzade Iskender has been attacked! - the pasha panted in shock.

- What?! - Safiye gasped and Angie also jumped up in shock.

- What? Where is he now?! Is he okay?! - Angie asked in panick.

She has already lost so many important people in her life and she didn't want to lose another person.

- Luckily I found him in time to help, but he got some serious injuries so I took him to the doctor in the village.

- And you left him there alone?! - Safiye snapped again.

- No! Some guards are there to keep an eye out so don't worry!

- Don't tell me to not to worry!!

- Take us to him! - Angie added as she tried to keep calm, but it just made Safiye even more upset than how she was before.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Arriving in place they weren't allowed to see Pablo just yet as he was still in the middle of his treatment...

- Do you know what happened to him? - Angie asked from the pasha.

- I don't know much either, Sultanim - he replied - All I know is what Iskender told me before he collapsed from his injuries.

- What did he say?

The pasha sighed.

- It's not sure... But he says Sultan Osman is responsible for this attack...

- What? No, that...

- Your evil son is responsible for everything bad that has happened lately! - Safiye snapped at Angie again - He killed your dear Mehmet too! Why are you still trying to protect him?!

- If I'm correct it was you, who started to turn him against me first - Angie hissed - Seems like your plans don't really work out the way you wanted, huh?

- Stop arguing, please... - the pasha interrupted and seconds later the doctor came as well.

- Luckily his injuries are nothing too deep, but he definitely needs time to rest... - he said - He used up all his energy... But he will be fine...

- Can I see him?! - Safiye asked.

- Sure - the doc nodded and lead her in the other room while Angie stayed outside and just sighed in relief to know Pablo will be fine.

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