Cold Hearted h.s | E d i t e d

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Sad sorry. 

"So, then I said to him" Connor said before placing down his fork, "I'm not touching those desk reports" He follows it by laughing his ass off. I add in a quick chuckle. I guess you had to be there. 

"This is such a nice place" I smile looking around the place. The walls painted a baby pink, coated in a cutrain of satin that looked way to exprensive. People dressed to impress. Their ball gowns flowing out of their chairs, making me feel under dressed. Playing the the light sheet of lace that clung to my wrists, I back at connor. Expecting to see a look of love in his eyes as if he had been watching me look around in amazement. But instead found him engrossed in his phone, business.  I mean, I don't know why I expected it, maybe I got use to the looks he'd always give me. 

"Oh our food's here" Connor places his phone upon the tabel as the waiter hands us our food

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"Oh our food's here" Connor places his phone upon the tabel as the waiter hands us our food. Before turning and pouring both of us a glass of white wine. Which causes me to squinch up my nose, I hated white wine. Connor looks at my face and sits up. 

"What is it babe?" 

"Oh, it's just I don't like white wine" I give a small nervous chuckle. How long have we known eachother again? two years. I thought you'd atleadt know what I do and don't like. 

"Oh, Sorry baby, Can we get a bottel of your finest red wine please" He gives the waiter a small smile before looking over at me. Grabbing both my hands in his, "Sorry baby" 

"It's okay, really" Flashing him a small, fake, smile. 

"Well now that we've figured that out, shall we eat?" Before he starts on his salad. Just as I was about to start eatting, the sudden vibrations of my phone caused me to stop. Connor looks up, an annoyed look on his face. I whisper sorry before signaling him that I wouldn't be anymore then a moment. I stand from my hair and head to one of the small doors. Out in the hall way I quickly place the phone to my ear. 



"Harry?"  My heart flutters. Yet my mind wonders, "Harry, why are you calling me?" 

"Y/N, I-I need-" He cuts himself off with a sob, causing me to stand up straight from my slouched position. 

"Harry? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Plots and Idea's began running though my head. 

"Fuck [Nickname], I don't k-know where I am" shuffling met my ears, "Hey d-dude where am i?" 

"In my bar man" 

"What! I'm not in a bar, y/n I'm not in a bar, I swear!" His voice rasing in the process. 


"I'm not!-" 

"Harry!" Silence flushes the other line, "Just, please, tell me where you are so I can come and get you" 

"Bowmont" Telling him that I'd be there soon and not to move, I hang up. Collecting myself I walk inside and to our tabel. 

"Hey baby-" 

"I'm so sorry but I have to go" I collect my stuff quickly, leaving him with unanswered questions. 


I make my way inside bowmont, over dressed and pissed off. The lace mermaid dress that still hung on my body flowed as I stepped into the old bar. My eyes finding a head of overgrown curls. A few cat calls, causes him to turn around just as I make my way in front of him. 

"Woah, you look-" He stumbles but I cut him off. 

"Let's go, we're going" I take his bicep in my hand and pull him in the direction of the car. He takes a seat while I start the car. Anger boiling in my veins. And his silence was doing him no good. 

"Why were you drinking" Yeah it may have been blunt but I was mad. He had said he had stopped drinking. That he was sober. 

"Because I wanted too" I shake my head in anger and disappointment, "Do you even know what day it is tomorrow?" His sudden out burst causes me to slam on my brakes. Leaving us stopped on the empty road. My head turned to him, anger and portrayal. 

"How dare you, how could you think I wouldn't know! He was my son too!" 

"Yeah well it sure seems like you've moved on from both of us!" 

"I left because you were an achoholic ass hole, not cause I don't love you or because of what happened!" Tears flooding my eyes, following his, "He died harry! Our son. How can you think that I didn't care or have moved on? I carried and created his little budle of joy for 10 months, 40 weeks, and met him for two years, Love him, loved you and then shit happened and we were left without him" silence fell apon the car. "I just, I want you too never forget that I love him, and that I love you, you now know that right?"

"I know"  

"But sometimes things happen and people who are mean't to be together can be" 

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"But sometimes things happen and people who are mean't to be together can be" 

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