The morning after- Yay this will be interesting ;)

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Harry: Pressing kisses to your collarbone, his hands curled around your bare hips, tugging you closer to him. Starting from the base of your neck, his lips guided themselves further and further up until the last kissed was placed under your jaw. "I love you," Harry stated, his fingers giving your waist a brief squeeze. His green eyes didn't have to look up to realize you had now awoken. Harry propped himself up on one of his elbows, the side of his face leaning against his palm while his other hand absentmindedly drew shapes into your arm, his thumb occasionally grazing your skin in a consoling manner. There was a lazy smile on his pink lips as he watched your eyes flutter open and your mouth open to release a sigh. "I love you," he reiterated before pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "I love you a lot."

Liam: "Hey," He murmured as his index finger gently poked at your cheek. "Leave me alone," you whined, aimlessly swatting his hand away. He chuckled at your sleepy state, his eyes playfully rolling. "Wake up," Liam stated. "It's already noon and you've got things to do and I made you breakfast and if you don't wake up it'll be all cold and gross." You released an elongated groan, but sat up nonetheless, making sure to bring the blanket up with you to cover your bare upper half. "You made that for me?" You asked softly, your eyes falling to the plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in Liam's hands. He nodded, encouragingly inching the plate closer to you. "Eat up. And if you're still hungry, there's more in the kitchen." After setting the plate on your lap, Liam placed a kiss to the side of your head, the smile on his face only widening.

Louis: His thumb brushed a line down the side of your face, the rest of his fingers pushing a few stray strands of hair back. A content sigh fell from his lips, his blue eyes taking in the innocent sight of you. Your eyes were still shut with sleep, your chest barely noticeably rising and falling with every breath you took. Your left arm was folded underneath your pillow, your right's fingers still entwined with his own. Louis made sure not to wake you as he repositioned himself to lay on his back, his eyes first gluing onto the ceiling before averting back to you. He then tilted his head to the left, giving himself the perfect view of you. The corners of his lips slid upward to pull a smile across his face, his head barely shaking from side to side. How he got lucky enough to be with you, he doesn't think he'll ever know.

Niall: The sun poured through the open window and the back of your hand reached up to rub your eyes, your eyelids still heavy with sleep. "Mm," you groaned, rolling over so you now rested your head on his bare chest. Niall was still softly snoring, oblivious to the afternoon light. "Niall," you whispered, poking at his jaw. There was no response for few moments, forcing you to poke him again. He then shook his head, letting out a long groan as he draped his arm across your waist. Niall curled himself forward, his head now nuzzling in the crook of your neck as he murmured, "Too early. Go back to sleep." You opened your mouth to speak, but your breath got caught in your throat as his fingertips slowly inched up your side, bringing goosebumps to raise to the surface of your skin. "I like last night," he mumbled. "We should have more last nights."

Zayn: "No," he groaned, taking a pillow to cover his face. Zayn buried his face further into the blanket, his words now getting muffled by the fabric. "Never! I'm not going anywhere! You can't make me!" You let out an annoyed groan, pulling the blanket from his body in one swift motion. "Zayn!" You scolded, hands now resting on your hips. "My parents are coming in an hour and you're still naked! Put some clothes on! Take a shower! Do something!" It was then that he pulled his face from the bed, a slightly cocky grin tugging at his lips as he simply stated, "You didn't have a problem with me being naked last night." Pressing your lips together, you made sure to keep your eyes locked with his, not letting his bare lower half distract you. You then roughly crossed your arms over your chest, huffing, "Get dressed, now. Or else there will never be another last night."

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