Your break down after the break up- Harry

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HARRY:"Usually when I perform this song... I give a speech about how it got put together and the meaning of it," your voice cracked as you begun tearing up. "But, tonight... I'm letting this song speak for itself. All I have to say is... I still love you," you said into the mic as you stood in front of thousands of fans. Everyone knew about the break up between Harry and you and since 97% of your fan base were Directioners, it was hard to get over him. To say the least, you were still hurting even though Harry and you broke up 5 weeks ago. He seemed to be fine at his concerts and you wished you could be too. After a fan threw a magazine up of Harry and another girl right before you performed a song Harry and you wrote together, the act you had been putting up suddenly crashed down. The music began and before you could get a word out, you started tearing up, letting the act down. As you begun singing, tears streamed down your face and your fans helped you sing the song. 

''I've been waiting all night for midnight, to come home

The night under the stars were you said you loved me, Tears stream down my face, when I lost something I can not replace, I promise. I feel so tied but I can't sleep. 

When I love someone but i goes to waste! 

Midnight! To-night! I will love you again, Do you have to  make me feel like theres nothing left of me, You can take ever thing I have but I will always love you! As the smoke clears I awaken I see that I will aways love you! I should have made you stay when I had the chance…'' (A/N Mixed songs :p )

Later after your concert, you tweeted "Sorry about tonight’s performance. I just couldn't hold it in any longer. Forgive me?" and shut everything off. Harry happened to be on twitter and saw your tweet and more than millions of your fans and his were tweeting him a video of the break down you had. Seeing you break down, made him put the act down. Truth was, he missed you just as much as he missed you.


"What are you doing here, Styles?" Y/N's manager asked with a warm smile. I returned the smile back as we walked back stage. "Well, she always came to my concerts... so I thought I might return the favor," I lied. Y/N's manager chuckled knowing I was lying. "It’s okay, Harry. That video of last night's concert has gone viral," she said. I shook my head thinking about what I would exactly say to Y/N. As soon as the video I saw of Y/N crying on stage last night ended, I bought the first ticket out here to see her. My heart began racing more as we approached the dressing room Y/N was in. I stepped aside as (manager's name) stepped in the room to tell Y/N that she had someone to see her. "Send them in," I heard her voice say as it sounded like she just got done crying. After her manager came out and told me it was okay to come in, I took one last breath and walked in. "Hellooo-" Y/N turned around with a fake smile on her face but cut herself off seeing me. I gulped as I shut the door behind me and took in Y/N's features. She was just as beautiful in person, but her face was covered in wet tears. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she rubbed tears away from her puffy, wet, (color) eyes. I stepped forward not knowing is she'll let me even touch her again. "I saw what happened," I breathed out. Y/N rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "If you're here to make fun of me, you can leave. Why are you here and not with that blonde bimbo you were pictured with?" Y/N snapped anger coming out. I looked at her confused, wondering what girl she was talking about. "Don't even give me that look. Need a reminder of what you replaced me with? HERE," Y/N said as she picked up a magazine and threw it at me. I caught it in one hand and saw the picture of a fan forcing a kiss on me. The picture was real, but it wasn't what it looked like. I shook my head knowing that it wasn't just this that broke Y/N. "Replaced you? I have and never will replace you, Y/N!" I cried out as I stepped closer. Y/N shook her head not knowing what to believe. "I don't want you to feel sorry for me. You seem better. You're doing better," Y/N whispered looking down at the ground. I lifted her chin up and her glossy orbs met mine. "I'm not doing better. You actually think I'm happy? I'm not. Everyone knows it! Ask anyone. Those smiles I wear... fake. This whole act is fake," I let her chin go seeing I had her full attention. "You mean-" Y/N began. I nodded as I wiped the tears off of her beautiful face. We starred at each other for a moment reading each other's mind. "I still love you, too," I whispered as we leaned in and connected the gap between us, before kissing her.

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