Jealous | E d i t e d

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"What is taking her so long?" Louis asks the boys as you were in starbucks grabbing some coffees. The boys shrug their shoulders in response and Louis decides to go check on you. He gets out of the van and enters the starbucks when he sees you talking to the very attractive male barista. Louis suddenly became extremely jealous and walked up to the two of you. He wrapped his arm around you waist, kissed your cheek and grabbed the coffees  with his other hadn.

"Y/N hi love. We've been waiting for you and I was getting worried. Everything ok here?" he asks eyeing the barista.

"No we were just talking and got carried away I guess. Sorry" you said smiling back at Louis. He nods in understandment and places the money on the counter.

"Thanks for the coffees Ethan." you say waving goodbye. You get back into the car and Louis hands out the coffees.

"Ummm...Lou...I think I got [Y/N]'s coffee..." Harry says.

"You guys both like the same coffee, there isn't a difference!" Louis says rolling his eyes.

"No..Lou..look." everyone turned to look at Harry's coffee mug that read

"[Y/N] call me some time xx Ethan" along with his number.


"No you aren't" Paul said matter-of-factly. Everyone in the car began to laugh as Louis sunk back into his seat, crossing his arms. You smiled moving closer to him and whispered into his ear

"Don't worry Lou, you'll always be my one and only BooBear." You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss erupting a bunch of "ewwwww"s from the rest of the car.

You and Harry are at a pub getting some drinks with friends before he leaves for tour again. Harry excuses himself to the bathroom and you go up to the bar to order another drink.

"[Y/N]?" you turn around to see your old high school friend David.

"David?!" you say smiling ",Oh my gosh! How are you?" you say pulling him into a tight hug.

"I've been good, travelling the world all that fun stuff. You?"

"Really good actually, just finishing up school and then I'll be on my way." you have now sat down at the bar with him and continued your conversation.

"So, can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure." you say smiling. You are sitting and talking to each other animatedly when Harry returns. He sees you and immediately gets jealous. He makes his way over and wraps his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek

"Hey Sexy." he whispers in your ear. You smile and turn to him kissing him back on the cheek.

"Hi, I'm Harry." he says extending one of his hands towards David.

"David, nice to meet you. Aren't you from that boy band that's taking over the world one teenage girl at a time?" David asks.

"Yup, One Direction." Harry says.

"You guys don't get the credit you deserve from other artists you know." David says matter of factly "You're music is quite good and you seem like mature lads who work hard. Not like the usual boy band." Harry looks at you shocked.

"[Y/N] where did you find this guy?!" Harry asks you. You laugh

"I don't know Haz." Harry and David spend the rest of night getting to know each other.

Your boyfriend, Niall had just returned from tour and you decided to take him out to Nando's for dinner. You had been spending a lot of time there when he was on tour because it was somewhere where you felt closer to Niall. When you got to your table your waiter came over and looked at you with a huge smile, not noticing Niall.

"Back again [Y/N]? What's this the fifth time this week? I think you're just coming to see me." he says with a wink. You begin to laugh and Niall tenses up on the other side of the booth.

"No, Zack. Just here for the food, sorry." you say picking up you menu.

"Darn." he says jokingly. You then look across the table to see Niall looking staring at Zack.

"Oh, Zack this is Niall," you say pointing at Niall

"Niall, this is Zack he dealt with my sad, hungry, butt for these past few weeks." Zack smiles at Niall and looks back at you

"It was a pleasure." Niall rolled his eyes.

"So what can I get you guys for some drinks?" you ordered your drinks and Zack then left. Niall then got up and sat next to you in the booth.

"What are you doing?" you ask giggling.
"I missed you and I just want to be next to you." he says brushing the hair out of your face and pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You pull away smiling and Zack places your drinks on the table. Niall pulls you in closer to him and it hits you.

"You're jealous!" you say hitting Niall's arm. Niall then goes red and looks away.

"Awwww Babs don't worry," you say pulling him in closer ",Zack's cute but I don't think his boyfriend would like me to be all over him." Niall looks at you and turns even more red. You kiss him on the cheek before returning to the menu.


I was walking around the shops with my boyfriend zayn and the other boys when they got mobbed by a much of fans, I laughed and walked of to the Side waiting for it all to disappear, I was sitting on a chair on my photo when i heard someone stand Infront of me. I looked up and saw Justin Beiber...

"hay babe, what you doing here by yourself?"

He smirks and you smiled back.

"just waiting for some friends" you smile.

Justin looks around for anyone but no one was around exept for the screaming people.

"why aren't you over there?"

"because I would probibly die!" I laugh.

I giggled. He smiled back. He held out a hand for me to stand up and I took it he was a little taller than me and stronger than me I felt like a little mouse.

"want to go get a coffee?"

I look back at the crowd which was still really big, I guess I have some time to kill. I look back and smile.


We start walking towards the coffee shop..

Zayn's pov

The crowed finally cleared when me and the boys looked around for Y/N. she was gone.

"where's Y/N?"

"I'm not sure! Try calling her?"

I picked out my phone and called her, no ancwer.

"Let's look around, she probably went for a walk"

We headed in the direction of the food court. Passing McDonald's and Wendy's. Nothing.

"Hey look there she is" Louis says pointing to Starbucks. We make our way into the store, and Make our way over to Y/N. She's with someone. A guy. Why would she leave me to go with another guy. I'm her boyfriend not him.

"Oh hey Y/N" my voice quickly got the attention of the two people. Y/N jumped up and hugged me.

"Zayn look oh my god it's Justin Bieber" she whispers in my ear. My eyes find Justin's and I relax. There was no need for me to be jealous.

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