He finds out your brother in famous- 5/5

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You had invited Niall over to your perants house which you were staying at while your house was being fixed, You were sitting on the couch your head in his chest, his chin on your head. 

''Niall'' You say with a giggle because he was tickling you.

''What'' he said innercently as he spins you around so that your straggling his waist. 

''You know I'm ticklish!'' I giggle out.

''well maybe i'll stop..for a price!'' He says cheekily

''How about...'' You say trying to think of something, when you feel him lean in and your lips connect the once slow short kiss was now a deep heated kiss. your fingers running through his hair as his hands sat holding your hips with his hands. 

''Ew! Niall stop making out with my sister!'' Justin yelles from behind the couch, Niall goes wide eyed oh yeah forgot to tell him were Brother and sister. He snapped his head to face Justin who's hands were covering his face. You giigle as Niall snaps his head back to you.

''justin bieber is your brother!'' He says still in shock.

''Oh yeah forgot to tell you'' I smirked

Liam: Robert Pattinson

''Babe..'' Liam says walking around the kitchen, while you are making dinner.

''Yeah?'' You ask not looking up from cutting lou's carrots.

''Why do you have so much twilight stuff...OMG! IS THAT YOU!'' He says, you look up and see him holding a photo of you and your brother and the twilight cast, yeah my brothers Robert Pattinson. I giggle at his reaction .

''Yes, and Because I have to support my brother'' You say continue cutting the carrots.

''What! who!'' He says

''haha Robert Pattinson, hens the last name Pattinson'' You giggle at Liam's 'ohh' expresstion. 

Zayn: taylor lautner

you and Zayn were with the boys at the recording studio and were just relaxing on the large couches, ether on twitter or Facebook. I just just texting my brother taylor lautner about tonights red carpet. 

''OMG!'' yells Louis, all our head snap up to louis who is reading his photo furuliy. 

''what?'' Liam says

''Tonight taylor lautner! is taking (Girl-You-hates-name-) to the red carpet tonight! we get to see taylor lautner!!!!!'' he screams

''WHAT!'' yells Harry

''YES! he's like our idol'' Zayn yells

'' and we get to see him and meet him'' Niall screams. you just sigh in ager at how he's taking (Girl-you-hates-name) To the red carpet tonight. the boys turn your heads to you in confustion, they may  or my not know taylor lautner is my brother.

''Y/N! DO YOU KNOW WHO WE GET TO MEET AND HOW BIG OF A DEAL THIS IS!'' Louis says in exitment, You just sigh again when you hear your phone going off which is Taylor saying 'Bella I love you, I need you' As my ring tone for him, What I love twilight!? I look up to they boys who look at the table  just of to the side that has my phone on it.

''Don't you dare!'' I say, still glaring at the boys, just then Zayn jumps up and grabs my phone.

''Yeah! go zayn!'' Liam yells, I get up and run over to zayn who will not gie my phone back.

''WHO IS IT Y/N?!?!'' Harry says 

''Its...taylor lautner!!!'' zayn yells the last part, the glares at me.

''What?'' I say giving up

''Whats He calling you for'' he says going into jelous boy friend mode

''Because he calls me every week'' I say like its on prob

''WAIT! wait wait wait! You know taylor lautner!!'' Louis yells, I turn to louis and put my hands on my hips.

''acctually yes! he's my-'' I tried to speak

''Hes your what!'' Zayn cuts me of agian jelous Boy friend mode.

''HE'S MY-'' agian cut off!

''Your Best friend!!!'' Niall yells

''no he's my-'' arrrr this is getting anoying 

''YOUR EX!'' Liam yells, ewwwww NO NO NO NO!

''EW! NO! He's my-'' I swear!

''He's your enimy'' Niall yells agian in my ear.

''NO HE'S MY BROTHER!!!!!'' I yell getting anoyed

''ohhh'' The boys cooed

''yeah ohh'' I said rolling my eyes and getting my phone back.

LOUIS: Logon lennon

''OMG!'' Louis yells making me jump off of his lap and onto the floor.

''oh sorry babe'' he says helping me up onto his lap again

''What was that for?'' I ask rubbing my butt.

''LOGAN LENNON JUST FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!'' He yells again in my ear

''Yeah I know I told him too'' I said going back to my phone

''what? why?'' He said looking at me with confustion 

''Why don't you want the Lennon twins follow you?'' I said joking at how me and Logan are twins.

''What?!'' He says still not getting it

''me and logan are twins...Brother and sister?!'' I say with a giggle

''WHAT! how did I not know this!'' he yells as you fall of the floor laughing.

Harry: Josh Hucherson

''JOSH!'' You yell from the other side of the red carpet holding Harry's hand who just looks at you with confusion and jelousy? 

''Y/N!'' he yells back as you walk over to him and he englofs you In a huge hug.

''It's been like ages! hows the hunger games?'' I said to my brother.

''oh its great the premiare is next week you should come!'' He says

''I will! deffintly! oh and Josh this is my boy friend-''

''Harry styles'' Josh smiles and shakes Harrys hand

''Take care of my sister!'' He says laughing '' well i've got to get inside call me later (Your nick name)!'' He says walking away.

''Josh Hucherson is your brother!'' Harry yells

''Yeah didn't you know that!?'' I say giggling 

''well i do now!'' You guys laugh and walk inside.

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