Your his crush- Zayn :)

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Zayn: Your art teacher was in the middle of explaining her next lesson when a young man with curly brown hair walked into class with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Miss [Y/L/N]," your teacher called, "please let your secret admirer know my class is not a delivery service. You may pick up your flowers after class." Who the hell would send you flowers? After class, you picked up your flowers off of your teacher's desk and found a note, which read, "You sure do have a way with art, but can you draw the lines to me? Love, your secret admirer." Your teacher took a seat and looked up at you as you read. "You sure do have yourself a gentleman there, Miss [Y/L/N]." You smiled, "Yeah, but I mean, who has time for this? My art is more important to me than love right now anyway." Your teacher shook her head and grabbed your hand. "Sweetheart," she began, "I definitely know in some situations love and art cannot co-exist, but for a girl like you, sometimes the heart inspires the art." "What are you saying, ma'am?" you asked in confusion. "What I am saying is your art lacks inspiration," she explained carefully, "but your art is beautiful. However, what is the story behind your art besides you being an artist? What about passion? What about love? What about Zayn?" "What does Zayn have to do with this?" you snapped quickly. Zayn was your friend from art class, but he never said much to you. "Maybe I have already said too much," your teacher said, "but honey, find Zayn and make him yours. The boy looks at you like you drew the stars in the sky. Honey, the both of you are scared to love, but you need him just as much as he needs you." You stood in front of your teacher, ready to cry, but instead you grabbed the flowers and rushed to find Zayn in the parking lot.

''Zayn!'' I yelled as I walked closer to him about to get into his car, he spun around and looked at me with widen eyes, Oh god I hope it's him. Here goes nothing. 

''Yeah?'' He questioned but before he could say anything else I closed the gab between us and Kissed him with out any warning, Zayn hesitated for a second before he synced his lips with mine, biting my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly let him in. I pulled away and looked into his big chocolate brown eyes.

''You have not Idea how long i've wanted to do that'' He smirked wrapping his hands tighter around my waist. 

''Do you wanna go get a coffee or something?'' I smiled 

''Sure!'' He smiled leading me to his car and opening the door for me before leaving for Starbucks.

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