You see him after the break up- Liam

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Liam: Breaking up with your boyfriend of over a year was definitely something you were regretting, but you knew it was for the best. The constant reminder that he was away, with other girls, and more strains on your relationship caused you to break it off a week ago. You stepped into the local Starbucks that was by your house down the block. Every single day, you would always see a constant reminder of Louis or something that reminded you of Louis. Even though Starbucks was a big hang out for you two, you didn't want that to stop you from getting your favorite drink. You walked in the building and the smell of coffee filled your nose bringing a sly smile on your face. The smile was suddenly off when you heard the sound of five boys laughing loudly. Turning your head to the direction, your eyes suddenly caught ahold of the Chocolate eyes that you love. You froze knowing he already saw you and knew you were here. Not knowing how to deal with seeing him just yet, you turned and headed for the door.

  PART 2:   Liam's P.O.V The door rang alarming everyone that a new customer had come in. I knew I shouldn't be here, but I needed just a piece of what was left of the relationship I had with Y/N. I thought about the reasons why Y/N broke up with me. I never cheated or did anything to pressure her. Was I to rushing? Did I hurt her? All these thoughts suddenly came to a stop as I looked at who had just come in. There, a few feet away, stood Y/N. I knew there would be a chance of her coming here, since this was one of few Starbucks in her city, but I didn't think she would actually show up. I watched as she looked around the store and smiled at the coffee sent filling her nostrils. She always loved the smell of fresh coffee. Just as her head turned towards my way of the cafe, our eyes met. Instantly, our bodies both became stiff as flashbacks came rushing back. Just as quickly as we spotted each other, Y/N turned around and walked out. I knew I should have let her go. She was the one who broke us up. But, I couldn't. I needed her. I quickly stood up and ran out ignoring the calls from my mates. As I made it out of the cafe, I looked around looking for the girl who stole my heart. But, she was nowhere in sight. Tears begun to sting as I couldn't believe she had literally ran away. I turned around to head back in the cafe so I could call Y/N, but stopped when I saw her standing beside the cafe. "Y/N," I breathed out as I walked up to her. She avoided my gaze and I knew by the way her cheeks were swelled, she was on the verge of crying. Just like I did before and while we dated, I engulfed her in a hug. "Shh," I cooed as I rubbed her back. I knew I should be mad, because she was the one who broke my heart. but, I couldn't be. "I'm so sorry," she said through the muffled cry. After a few minutes of her crying into my chest, Y/N lifted her head and met my gaze. "Let’s go inside, clean you up, order your Carmel Frapp, and talk about this," I said knowing what was going on. Y/N pulled away and wiped her tears. "Why? I would think you hated me," Y/n got out as her voice grew weak. I shook my head as I cupped her face. "I could NEVER hate you, my love. I know you broke it off for a reason. I know. But, I can't let you go until I know why. You may still not love me, but I love you," I said stroking her cold cheek with my thumb ''I do still love you''

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