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Niall: Jesus, he’s nervous. He can’t even imagine how you’re feeling as you stare at him eyes wide in the middle of his bedroom. His chest was heaving as he looked at you, his eyes roaming your body. Christ, you were beautiful and you were all his. He couldn’t express how honored he was that you had chosen him for your first time. He swallowed the lump in his throat and took a cautious step towards you. Sure, you’d fooled around before but nothing quite as serious as this. Your fingers were nervously linking and un-linking, your eyes down cast on the floor. How could he make this easier for you? How could he make you less nervous? Gently, he took one of your hands in his and ran his index finger along your palm. He could hear your breathing as you waited for him to make a move. He pressed his lips to your palm and curled your fingers around it. He took your hand and placed it against his chest and you could feel his heart beat underneath. You raised your stunned eyes to his and he smiled. “It’s yours. Has been since the moment I met you.” He wanted this to be special for you, he wanted to make sure you felt how loved you were with every touch of his hand and every kiss he placed on your lips. “You’re safe with me,” he said huskily, drawing you into his arms. “You’re safe.” With his words weighing heavily in the air, you touched your mouth to his.

Liam: He was trying to control himself. All he wanted to do is press you against the wall and bury himself deep inside you but he couldn’t, not yet at least. He looked at you sitting so innocently on the bed and groaned. God, did he have wicked fantasies about the things he wanted to do to you. But right now, you were offering him something so precious, so wonderful that Liam knew all those fantasies would have to wait for another day. Tonight, well, tonight was all about tenderness. “You’re sure?” He asked huskily from the door frame. You nodded, moving to pull your shirt off over your head. He groaned when he saw the lace bra and matching panties and he wondered how he was going to control himself. “Oh, baby,” he said softly, his eyes raking over every inch of you. He could see the blush on your face even in the darkness and it snapped him out of his haze. He trialed his fingers down your cheek, sending your eyes rolling back into your head. His fingers continued, down your chest, between your breasts and to your navel. You whimpered softly, catching his hand and pressing it to your skin. “Love me,” you said softly, pressing your chest to his. Liam didn’t need to be asked twice.

Zayn: Zayn would never forget what your skin looked like in the moonlight, so soft and pale like porcelain. He could fill a sketch pad with the way your eyes looked as he ran his fingers down your neck, or the way your mouth parted when he touched his lips to your collar bone. No, Zayn would never forget the incredible gift that you were about to give him. He never pressured you, telling you he was more than content to wait until you were ready. But tonight, when he pressed his mouth to yours, you knew. He asked you a hundred times if you were sure and you told him yes, you wanted this to be with him. There was no one you loved or trusted more; you were in good hands with Zayn. He was surprised at how nervous he was as he laid you down on his bed, your hair looking black against his white sheets. “I’ve got you baby,” he said huskily, his fingers sliding under the cup of your bra. He groaned, disbelieving this was finally happening. “I’ve got you.” He pressed his lips to your heart and your hands came up to tangle in his hair. Together, you lost yourselves in this moment that would live on forever in your heart. 

Harry: God, his fingers were trembling he couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t even his first time, it was yours and here he was shaking like a leaf as you stood before him. “Nervous?” You asked dryly, your own hands shaking as you touched his arm. He was. He was nervous. He loved you so much, held you with such preciousness in his heart. He couldn’t believe he would be your first- and if he had anything to say about it, your last. “Do you know how precious you are?” He murmured, his fingers running down your cheeks. His heart was slamming in his chest as he touched you, his eyes taking in every inch of you. Your eyes closed and you leaned into his palm. “So precious, so lovely, so beautiful,” he pressed his lips to each eyelid, then the tip of your nose. You went lax under his touch, letting him take control. “Do you know how much I love you?” He asked as he walked you back to the bed. “Do you know what you mean to me?” Your skin flushed over as he laid you down and pressed your body to his. You weren’t nervous anymore as you slid your hand under his shirt. No, you were ready. You knew that with Harry, you were safe, loved, and protected. So with a full heart over flowing with love, you let Harry in. 

Louis: He needed to slow down. He needed to stop. He pulled his hands out from under your shirt and scooted back on the couch, his lips swollen from your kisses. You looked bereft as he slid away from you and you sighed. “I don’t want to push you,” he said hoarsely, his eyes still trained on your mouth. Damn, what a mouth you had. He couldn’t get enough of it. “I’m ready, Lou.” You said quietly. He blinked, not thinking he heard you right. He never pressured you, never begged, never tried his luck. Instead, Louis understood how much intimacy meant with you and that you would only sleep with someone if you truly loved them. He never dreamed he’d be so lucky, in both senses of the word. “You’re serious?” He asked faintly, his heart slamming into his chest. How did he get so lucky? How was it he was going to take the most precious thing you had to offer him? You nodded, sliding forward on the couch. You climbed into his lap, your lips pressed to his neck. “I love you, Louis,” you murmured between kisses. His fingers dug into your hips as he pressed his mouth back to yours. He loved you too, more than he could ever say so he decided he’d try and show you instead.

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