Niall Imagine for Zoe: "Surprise"

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Niall Imagine for Zoe


It was the last basketball game of the season, and you were cheering on your school with your team. You noticed all the couples in the crowd holding hands and sharing pretzels, and longed to be with Niall. The two of you never saw each other any more, and it wasn’t the same as when you started dating. You’d been apart for too long, you needed him to come home and be with you, but you knew it was impossible. 

After a few more stunts and group cheers, the game was almost over. It was down to the wire between you and the rival team, only one point separating them. In the last 10 seconds, your school scored the last basket, and the crowd went absolutely wild. You jumped up and down and wagged your pompoms with the rest of your squad, congratulating your school. Suddenly, you were picked up from behind and spun around. You squealed and laughed, assuming it was just one of your friends coming over to see you. When they set you down, you turned around, and your eyes almost fell out of your head.

"Niall?!" You shouted.

"It’s me!" He said, grinning. You couldn’t believe he was there, and couldn’t constrain yourself. You threw your arms around his neck and pressed your lips into his for the first time in far too long. 

When you finally broke off for air, you just beamed at him. “What are you doing here?! I thought you weren’t coming back for another month!” You said.

"I wasn’t supposed to, but I had to come back and see you, Zoe, I missed you like crazy!" You shook your head, and couldn’t take the smile off your face. You couldn’t believe that he was able to find time to fly all the way over to you just because he missed you. He really was the best boyfriend ever. You threw your arms around his neck again, inhaling the scent that you had missed so much.

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