Why is she better? H.s Part 1

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Again you were at your football game and no one but your friend was watching you. Everyone loved Y/T/N she got the brains and you got the athletic ability. Sadly no one paid any attention to you. While you were achieving on the sporting field Y/T/N was getting A++, while you go an average of a B+. In the last ten minutes you twisted you ankle. And had to sit out. You got your ankle bandaged. After having a shower and changing into clean clothes. Your friend dropped off at your house you heard what sounded like a party inside. Its for Y/T/N again you thought. You limped to the front door. Sadly you were right. No one saw limp up the stairs and into your bedroom. In your room you had medals, for winning competitions, trophies for best player and awards all around your room. Never did any one come inside your room so no one saw your awards. You started to have a mental brake down. And kept on asking yourself if life is worth living if no one would give you credit for anything. You thought long and decided to go for a long walk since it helps to clear your mind. As you walked you the front door Harry stopped you “where do you think your going” he says “for a walk” you say back. “today is the day we are celebrating the day when Y/T/N got a A+++” he adds you mummer something back “just cause you don’t achieve at anything doesn’t mean you can go all moody. Maybe if you tried hard enough you may win an award” he states. That just snapped something in you.”If you knew me well enough you would see I achieve on the sporting field and get steady B+’s” I exclaim “stop being a drama queen we all know they are lies” Harry says “well” I say but get cut off this is why we all like Y/T/N better” Harry say loud enough for everyone to hear. And with that I run fast as I can away from Harry so I run out the back door and jumped the fence. Even though my ankle was hurting. 

-Harry’s P.O.V-

I can’t believe I said that to Y/N. I run up to her room to find her. But instead a closed door I slowly open the door and there is no Y/N but awards all around her room. I wow in the fact that she has more awards than the band has won. Now were is Y/N, I run out of the house and jump in my car and drive to find Y/N, where could she be. 

-Y/N P.O.V- 

I ran and I didn’t know where to go. So I ran to the park and sat there and cried. Until I decided that no one wants me here so I should go some where far away where they will never find me….. Then it comes to me lets go to Wales no one would even think to look there! So I run for it well not run as such but more of a fast walk. A new start for me, I need to go home to get a few things though like a bag with clothes and some money and things like that. I’ll wait until they are all asleep then jump in the bathroom window that it always open a bit. I jump back over the fence at the back of the house and hid in the bushes. I don’t hear any party music going at all. Was I gone that long that the party had finished? Oh well I wait here until what seems about 11:00 until all the lights go off and I quietly walk to the bathroom window and climb in. I have to be careful going up the stairs there is a squeakie step and I don’t want to wake up the whole household. I tip-toe up the stairs and skip the squeakie step and walk quietly through the hallway. Thank god my room is by the stairs I flick on the light and start packing things and taking a few important awards. I write a quick note saying 

Sorry, I couldn’t keep living in a home where my achievements aren’t awarded for. So I’m heading somewhere far away from here. Don’t bother looking (it’s not like you are going to) but anyways. I’m so sorry Love from 

Y/N xx

I quickly fold it up and put it on the table and jump through the window again and make a brake for Wales

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