You break up and see him for the first time- z.m H.s L.t

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Zayn: Zayn and you had broken up exactly three weeks ago, but the media didn't find out until a week ago. The break up hit you hard, He was the love of your life and now he was gone. Every time you left the house or turned on the Tv he was there and it was just a reminder of what you lost. 

"Y/N!" your best friend called as she stormed into your flat. You were curled up on your couch with a blank expression as Nemo play in the background, "Y/N," She sighed when she saw the state of you. You didn't even bother to look up as Nemo reached out for the 'butt'. "That's it," She groaned as she walked over to you, She pulled you off the couch and dragged you to your room. 

"What are you doing?!" You groaned as that was the first thing you had said in weeks. She rolled her eyes as she dug through your closet looking for something. "We're getting you out of this house, right now. We're going out, going to forget about Zayn, and you're going to enjoy life!" She yelled. You pouted as you sat down on the floor not wanting to do anything. "I always get my waaaay," she sang. You looked up at her and realized that was true. After getting dressed, you both made your way to a club. Little did you know, your ex would be here looking to get you off his mind.

The alcohol ran down the back of my throat as I took my first chug out the beer in my hands. "Now, I have a special song for all the single ladies here tonight" The D.J yelled into the mic as a bunch of girls ran down towards the dance floor. I rolled my eyes at the high pitch screaming that came out girls mouths as they grinded against each other. The D.J laughed before playing single ladies by Beyonce. Chugging her beer down, Zayn scanned the floor looking for someone who could get Y/N off  his mind for the night. His eyes roamed the room and suddenly stopped as my eyes met with a (Hair colour) girl with the body I had gotten to use to being held against in my sleep stood against the back all. I took a double take, making for sure that Y/N was actually in the same room as me. I set my drink down and made my way over to her; I didn't care anymore. I needed to talk to her. I needed to tell her that the break up was a mistake. I needed to tell her that I still love her and can't stop thinking about her. As I approached her, only a few steps away, I was blocked by a guy stepping in front of me. The alcohol I took in set me off just enough to get very pissed at the sleaze just standing in front of my love. 

"Hey, babe. You look lonely. Need some company?" I heard the sleaze ask as he placed a hand on the wall behind her. 

"No," a soft voice cracked. The guy stepped forward now placing his hands on Y/N's hips. Seeing that set me off. I jerked the guy away with a hard shove against his shoulder. 

"What's up, bro?!" The guy shouted as he turned around. My eyes met his giving him a glare and he backed off. I turned my attention towards Y/N who looked like she had just seen a ghost.

 "Z-Zayn," Y/N chocked out. She didn't have to say anything. I saw the gloss take over her beautiful eyes that I've grown to love so much. Without a thought, I cupped Y/N's face in mine and connected out lips. For the first few seconds, she didn't kiss back as shock took over her. But after that shock had gone, her sweet lips moved in synch with mine. I pulled back now holding our hands together. 

"I'm sorry for everything. I still love you. I know you still love me. I can't go a day without thinking about you. I need you-" Y/N cut me off with a kiss, letting both of us know we'd give another chance.

Louis: Breaking up with your boyfriend of over a year was definitely something you were regretting, but you knew it was for the best. The constant reminder that he was away, with other girls, and more strains on your relationship caused you to break it off a week ago. You stepped into the local Starbucks that was by your house down the block. Every single day, you would always see a constant reminder of Louis or something that reminded you of Louis. Even though Starbucks was a big hang out for you two, you didn't want that to stop you from getting your favorite drink. You walked in the building and the smell of coffee filled your nose bringing a sly smile on your face. The smile was suddenly off when you heard the sound of five boys laughing loudly. Turning your head to the direction, your eyes suddenly caught ahold of the sea green eyes that you love. You froze knowing he already saw you and knew you were here. Not knowing how to deal with seeing him just yet, you turned and headed for the door.

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