He messes up during a show

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Harry takes things to the heart; as his girlfriend you know that he wears his heart on his sleeve. And when his voice cracked during his solo you just saw that light in his eyes vanish. He wasn’t the same for the rest of the show, he kept over analyzing everything which is really bad. Once he got off stage he went and sat down in the dressing room. You took a seat in front of him. 

"You messed up, that’s okay. It happens to everybody. But you can’t let it drain you. You’re going to seat here and wallow and read the ignorant jackasses on twitter; but maybe you should come out and see the people that really don’t care about the fact you missed a little note. The people that love you and support you every day. They matter." 

You stood up to exit but he grabbed your hand before you got too far. “Thank you.” He said. He stood up and kissed your forehead before heading out to meet some fans. 


After the show you guys got back on the tour bus and headed to the next city. Everyone was pretty quiet, but Liam was quieter than the others. He was sitting by himself with his hoodie on and earphones on as well. He was scrutinizing himself for a very small mistake. None of the fans noticed. Everyone still had fun. 

You walked over to him and sat on his lap. You placed your head in the crook of his neck and played with his fingers. 

"I screwed the whole show." He said. 

"Shut up." You told him. "It was a great show. You were amazing! No one cares about some stupid note; your fans still had the time of their lives." 

"You’re right." He sighed in defeat." 

"Always am." You grinned. 


Your woke up because your phone started ringing like crazy. It was passed two in the morning and you had class in six hours and you needed all the sleep you could get. 

"Hello?" You asked. 

"I fucked up during a show." You recognized Louis’ voice. "Now all the networking sites are saying I have no business being in One Direction and that I’m messing up the group and it’s dynamic." You wanted to say something but he kept talking. "And they’re right. I’m a joke. I don’t deserve to be in One Direction because I do suck. I suck so bad." He huffed. 

"You don’t suck. You’re dumb but you don’t suck." I said. 

"Gee thanks babe. I feel so much better." He said sarcastically. 

"Come on we both know you’re good at what you do. You don’t need me to tell you that. You just had an off night. Tomorrow you’re going to blow everyone’s fucking mind." 

"I love you. Goodnight. You’re right." You could almost feel his smile. 

"I love you too." 


You had been skyping with Niall for the last ten minutes. His show was about to start and he didn’t really look all that pumped up for it. You tried to make him laugh but it didn’t work. 

"What’s wrong?" You asked. 

"I kept messing up during rehearsals today. I’m crap.  The band would be better off without me." He said. 

"You don’t believe that do you?" 

"It’s the truth." 

"You had one bad rehearsal, you’re gonna have plenty more that doesn’t mean you’re an awful singer and that One Direction doesn’t need you. You’re special Niall and everyone knows it. One Direction wouldn’t be anything without your voice and your charisma. So get out of your head and go make me proud." You told him. 

A sweet smile tugged on his lips. He ran his fingers through his blond hair. “You make everything better.” 

You grinned and talked a bit more before he had to get on stage.


You two had a bit of a fight before he went on stage. It was nothing, your parents wanted you to have dinner with this guy —you know a guy they approved of— and Zayn took it hard which led to a full on fight. Now he’s onto the third song of their set and he’s been missing his notes and being flat and boring throughout the show so far. While the boys did their little banter, Paul told Zayn to come off stage and talk to you quickly. Zayn stood in front of you still pissed off. 

"You’re not hurting me here right now. You think not talking to me and being moody is hurting me but it’s not. It’s hurting the boys, the show, the fans, and the hundreds of people it takes to get you on that stage. Stop being a diva. It’s one supper with a guy that doesn’t even matter. I’ll come home to you like I always do. So go. Have a good show, not just for them but for yourself." He pressed his lips onto yours. You could taste the love but also the desperation—the fear of not wanting to lose you. 

He got on stage quick enough to start up his solo in LWWY.  And Zayn was back. 


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