Louis Imagine for boobear5367

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You and Louis have only been dating for two months, but you were both very happy with your relationship giving you both were always close to each other and when they went somewhere you had to go too since you were Lou’s hair dresser assistant. Today you were just walking down the 7with bags in your hand and your car keys in your hand. As you got to your car, you felt someone tap your shoulder and when you turned around you were greeted by three girls you weren’t really familiar with.

“Hi can I help you?” you asked them with a small smile as you looked at the three girls.

“Yeah, we were wondering if we could take a picture with you?” they asked and you stood there baffled that they wanted a picture with you, you and Louis hadn’t been together that long and the fact that they wanted a picture with you just because he was dating you meant that they were true fans. You softly nodded and posed with each of the girls and followed them on twitter liked they had nicely asked. Once you said goodbye to the girls and got in your car you had drove home and the smile that the three girls put on your face wouldn’t come off.

You had been sitting in your room in your computer on twitter and on your tumblr when you heard a knock on the door. You got up from your bed and looked out your window to see Louis’ car outside, so you quickly ran to your door and opened and let in your boyfriend.

“Hey babe” he said as he quickly pecked your lips with a smile.

“Hey, not that I don’t want you here, but what are you doing here?” you asked him as he passed inside and you closed the door.

“Can’t I visit my lovely girlfriend without a reason?” he asked as he smiled at you from the couch. You looked at him knowing something was up and crossed your arms and raised your brow.

“Okay, what is it?” you asked as you sat down next to him, only to have him pull you on his lap.

“You’re the best” he said as he looked at you “I saw the pictures you took with those three fans today while you went shopping.” He finally said as he looked at you. You looked at him with a small smile and shook your head.

“They’re just pictures, and they did ask nicely and they were friendly and they didn’t attack me so why not? Plus anyone who supports you is a good person on my book” you said as you got up from his lap to go to the kitchen. “Since you’re here, have you eaten?” you asked him from the kitchen.

“Oh, so she takes pictures with the fans and she wants to cook me dinner, wow I’m never letting you go” he said from behind you as he hugged you from behind. “And no I haven’t eaten yet, that is also the reason I came here.” You shook your head at your Louis’ other reason.

“You’re lucky I know you like me or else I just think you would be using me for my cooking skills. Which by the way aren’t that impressive either.” You said as you got out of his hold and walked around the kitchen to get the ingredients for spaghetti.

“Hey, at least your shit doesn’t get burnt like mine okay, that is impressive enough for me.” You laughed at his way of wording things. “And I like you for more than just your cooking skills” he said matter of factly.

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