The first 'I love you'

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Harry: You and Harry were at the reception for your cousin’s wedding. There was lots of music and dancing. Harry was at a table talking to your father and uncle. They all seemed to be having a good time, which made you really happy. You were seated at a table with your cousin and your aunt, when a slow song came on. The bride and groom were the first out on the floor. More and more couples went out to dance, including your parents. You felt a quick tap on your shoulder and you spun around. There was Harry with a big grin on his face. He held out his hand for you to take. “May I have this dance?” he asked. You blushed and nodded, taking his hand. He led you out to the dance floor and placed his hands gently on your waist. You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s neck and stared into his bright green eyes. He leaned in so that his lips were close to your ear. “I love you (Y/N).” he whispered. Your eyes widened as he pulled back, realizing what he had said. He looked at you with hopeful eyes and you grinned. “I love you too, Harry Styles.” Harry beamed and went in for a kiss to seal the deal.

Niall: You and Niall were cuddling on the couch, watching reruns of Drake and Josh. At every joke, Niall would erupt with laughter which made you giggle. After a while, Niall starting kissing the top of your head. You looked up at him and raised and eyebrow. He mirrored your action and you laughed. He grinned and moved his hands to your sides. Your eyes widened and Niall started tickling you. “Niall! No stop!” you laughed. “What’s the magic word?” Niall laughed as you squirmed in his lap. “Niall! Please!” you giggled. Niall suddenly stopped and held your face. You stared into his sparkling blue eyes and he leaned in. You kissed like you never had kissed before. It was so passionate and full of love. Niall pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “I love you (Y/N). I love you so much and I’m not afraid to shout it to the world. I love you (Y/N).” You were speechless. You didn’t know what to do, so you kissed him again. Passionate and hard. You pulled away, gathering up your courage. “I love you too, Niall James Horan.” You both spent the rest of the day stealing kisses and sharing I love you’s.

Louis: You and Louis had a plan. The boys had pulled it off before but you both decided to test the prank again. First, you both snuck into Harry’s room, with a flat iron in hand. You quietly walked toward the bed that held the sleeping, curly haired boy. You looked at each other and nodded. Louis turned on the iron and you gathered a piece of Harry’s hair. You ended up successfully straightening the boy’s hair. You and Louis fist bumped and ran downstairs for the next prank. You both took everything out of the refrigerator and pantry and carried it to the basement, hiding them in a closet. Suddenly, there was screaming coming from upstairs. Louis looked at you and smirked. “Sounds like Harold’s awake.” You both rushed up the stairs to see Harry staring into a mirror, trying to shake the curls back to their true form. You and Louis were trying to hold back your giggles. “Where’s all the food?!?!” a voice shouted from the kitchen. You ran to the kitchen and found Niall digging through the cupboards and refrigerator. “No, no, no, no!!” he cried. You and Louis high-fived and Niall spun around. “YOU!” he shouted. Louis grabbed your hand and ran up to your shared bedroom, and locked the door. You looked at Louis and he looked at you and you both burst into laughter. “You were amazing babe.” he said. “I’m your partner in crime. I have to live up to my title.” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. Louis placed his hands on your waist and you looked each other in the eyes. Louis pecked your lips. “I love you.” you said at the same time as Louis. You both grinned and kissed again.

Zayn: You had just gotten home from work and you were exhausted. It was late and you just wanted to be with Zayn. “Zayn?” you called into the house. Suddenly, a huge pile of blankets and pillows fell onto your deck. You ran outside and looked up. “Zayn?!” you called again. Then a big mattress emerged from the balcony. You shrieked and moved out of the way as it fell. You looked around your backyard to find a projector set up facing the garage, which had a big white sheet over it. There was also a tent and a table piled with popcorn, candy, and soda. “(Y/N)!” you heard from behind you. There was Zayn with a big smile on his face. “Help me with the mattress?” he asked. You nodded and hurried to help your boyfriend. You place the mattress inside the tent and threw all the blankets and pillows on top. You climbed in the tent with Zayn and left the entrance open so that you could see the sheet. Then (y/f/m) started playing. You hugged Zayn and cuddled into him. “You’re the best, Zayn.” I said. “Only the best for you love.” You smiled as the movie began. Zayn fed you candy and popcorn and you stole kisses from each other every so often. Zayn kissed your temple and whispered, “I love you.” You grinned and hid your face in his chest and mumbled, “I love you too.” Then it was Zayn’s turn to grin. He kissed the top of your head. Everything was perfect. 

Liam: Your boyfriend Liam couldn’t make it to the party tonight. It was the night of Halloween and you were invited to a costume party by some friends. Liam said he couldn’t make it because he was busy recording. So, you decided to go by yourself. You dressed up as a sexy, sexy Supergirl. You curled your hair slighty and put on some makeup. Then you were on your way. When you got to the party, people stared at your ass as soon as you walked into the room. You smirked and walked over to the punch table. “Excuse me miss, but I’m going to have to arrest you for being the sexiest girl at the party.” a voice said. You turned around to see a guy about your age in a police officer costume. “Sorry officer, I think there is another problem.” You said. “And what might that be?” the police guy asked, winking at me. “I have a boyfriend.” You sassed. “That won’t be a problem Supergirl. Now if you’ll kindly step into the back room with me for questioning.” the officer said, placing a hand on my waist. “No.” You said, taking his filthy hand off your waist. “I’m afraid I must insist.” the officer said, reaching for your chest. You smacked him before he could do anything else. “Is there problem here?” another voice said. You looked to your left to see a very built guy in a Batman costume. “No, no everything’s fine.” the policeman mumbled nervously. Batman stepped forward and the cop ran away in fear. I sighed, “Thanks for that.” “Not a problem love. Creeps like that don’t deserve a pretty girl like you.” Batman said, grabbing a glass of punch. “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.” you said, playing with your cape. “I know you do.” he said. You raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled. He lifted up his mask so that you could see his face. Your eyes widened. “Liam?!” you breathed. Liam pulled his mask back down and smiled. “Hey baby.” he said. You jumped in his arms and kissed him hard. “I thought-” “They let me go early (Y/N).” he said. “My god I love you.” you said. “I know baby. I love you more though.” He said, winking. “Nuh-uh. I love you the most.” you smirked. “Not possible my love.” Liam said, before kissing you once again.

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