He confesses he loves you- Louis

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"Louis please give it back."

you say calmly hand outstretched.

"Why? Are you hiding something?"

he smiles. He unlocks your phone and starts looking through your messages. He stops and looks up at you. You guys weren't dating or anything you've only been friends.

"I'm sorry y/n. This was none of my business, I shouldn't have looked through your messages. I'm really sorry."

he says handing back your phone. Tears stain your cheeks as you remember your boyfriend admitting to you that he had cheated on you and saying that;

'Its for the best.'

that you break up. Louis starts walking towards you arms wide. You gladly fall into his arms. You nuzzle your face into his chest.

"You'll be alright."

he says rubbing your back comfortingly.

"It just hurts so much." you sob.

"Y/N he doesn't deserve your love. He doesn't deserve the tears you shed for him. I love you and I hate to see you like this." he whispers.

You look up at him wiping your tears away.

"You what?" He turns red when he realizes that he confessed his love for you.

"I love you y/n. I love you so much." he says

"Louis I... I"

you don't get to finish because he grabs your face in his hands and kisses you gently. Once you kiss back his kiss becomes more passionate. 

''I- Love- you-to'' You say inbetween breaths. 

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