Oh, n.h | E d i t e d

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Short and Sad Opps.

It wasn't like you were jealous or anything. But you were. You really fucking were. He was the one guy who didn't act like a fuck boy around you. He was sweet and caring, not to mention he was very attractive. So when he was sitting there, his hands around that girls waist. A smile plastered across his face, matching hers. It made you boil. 

He leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear. He whispers sweet nothing into her ear making her giggle. She was gorgeous, there was no denying it. Sighing you make your way towards the bar, near t where they stand. 

"West Coast, Thanks" You mutter, you really just needed a drink right now. The bartender pops open the lid and slides the bottle across to you. Quickly grabbing the bottle you down the liquid. 

"Y/N?" You turn, the bottle still pressed to your lips. Your eyes find their way to Niall's who's hands were still around the girl's waist. 

"Uh, oh, Hi Niall" You give him a sweet, forced, smile. 

"This is Lilly" He gestures to the girl, "My girlfriend" 

"Oh" and you downed another slip. 

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