Chapter 4: Savor

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The week flew by quickly but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Now here I am at a party on Saturday night and honestly I don't even want to be here! Lacey forced me to come because I haven't been to one in a long time since I was trying to avoid Blake.

Now here I am alone leaning on the wall watching Blake and Whitney hump each other not caring who's watching.

I could never love another girl more then I love you

I hear Blake's words echo in my head and my throat closes up trying not to let out a sob.

I will never leave you

There goes a tear. I quickly make my way upstairs and go into the bathroom to try to pull myself together. I dab the corners of my eyes trying to prevent the rest of my tears from falling. A few minutes later the door opens and I look up to see Blake.

" Are you okay? "

He ask me seeming concerned.

Looks can be deceiving don't fall for it!

" Can you leave? I'm sure your girlfriend is looking for you. "

I say bitterly.

" She's not my girlfriend were nothing serious. "

" That's not what she said. "

" She falls in love with looks and I've got them I'm pretty sure both of us are just using each other. "

He chuckles sounding amused by the concept.

" Just stop. "

" Stop what? "

" I know what you're doing! You're trying to get me back but I'm not the same naive girl I was and I know it takes more then loving someone to make a relationship work. It takes honesty and respect and you lack both of those besides I was probably just Whitney to you,  ' nothing serious '. "

He walks slowly over to me and before I know it both of his arms on on my sides caging me in like an animal.

" I have dated many girls but you are the one girl that wasn't just a game to me. "

He says in almost a whisper. I can't help but get lost in his blue eyes I think his eyes are the bait to many girls. I want to push him away and scream at him as usual but my body won't let me. It's like I'm glued to the spot.

" Try to deny it but I know you want me as much as I want you. "

He whispers in my ear and I can't help but hear the double meaning to those words.

Suddenly his lips are on mine and I try to force my body away but his lips are like venom once you get a taste it slowly takes over your body. I kiss back with the voice in the back of my head screaming at me to stop but I mute her. Our kisses get rougher and he gently pushes me against the wall moving his lips to my neck.

He goes back to my mouth and I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me and that's when I hear him let out a moan. I ignore it I mean we are in a bathroom I don't think he would try anything serious would he?

His hands roam my body like they've done many times before but this time it's more needy then anything, like he's been waiting for years to do this. I'm so distracted by his lips that I don't realize until he picks me up and puts me on the counter that he had pulled his pants off.

" What are you doing? "

I quickly ask him trying to hide my breathless reaction.

" Don't act all innocent Lilly I know you want me as much as I want you. "

He smirks moving closer to me. His hands are on the buttons of my jeans and I push his chest with all my might but it's no use he's far stronger then me.

" Blake stop I don't want this! "

I yell at him hoping even if he doesn't stop someone hears but the music is so loud it's pointless he's the only one who can hear me.

He pushes himself onto me and I can feel how excited he his.

" Get off me! "

I yell at him but he ignores me. He slides my shorts off throwing them onto the floor and I try to ball up so he can't get to me but he pins my legs with one hand using the other to take his boxers off. I squeeze my eyes shut tears pouring down my face but suddenly his hands are gone and I hear yelling. I open my eyes to see Mr.Edward's beating Blake up not stopping once as he continues to beat him over and over agin covering his face with blood.

I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

I pull my shorts on quickly and then I cautiously walk over to Mr.Edwards and gently grab his arm. He looks at me his eyes dark but they soften when they see me.

" Mr.Edwards let's just leave him be. "

I say and he looks conflicted but nods. Me and Mr.Edwards go to the next room which is a bedroom and we sit down.

" Are you okay? "

He ask me. I nod but then I shake my head and start crying. Mr.Edwards pulls me into a comforting hug and I cry into his shirt.

" Do you want me to tell anyone? He could get into serious trouble for this. "

Mr.Edwards says to me.

" No you can't tell anyone! They will think I'm lying and this is bad enough. "

He looks at me with sad eyes but nods in understanding.

" What are you doing here anyway? "

I ask him sniffling.

" A college girl invited me. "

He smiles proudly.

" It has to be exhausting having all these women chase after you even students. "

" It can be irritating but I'm a one kind of girl guy. "

He tells me.

" That's why I like you you're not only a good teacher but a good person too. "

He smiles at me and after a few more minutes of talking I go back downstairs and he disappears into the crowd.

( Okay so it's between Blake and Mr.Edwards who do you think is the stalker? Comment please! )

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