Chapter 54: Fully Live

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He's finally done with what he calls his " masterpiece " but what I call a bloody nightmare that is now apart of me, inside and out. I'm breathing heavy, tears flowing down my face and sweat forming on my forehead.

" I'll be right back love, I need a wash cloth to clean up. "

He smiles and walks out, my chains are a little loose so I attempt to get the knife but fail miserably. He walks back in and looks at me shaking his head.

" I'm not letting you end up like Maria. "

He simply says, as he cleans up the blood on my stomach.

Maybe if you didn't great all the women you love so much like this then no one would end up like Maria.

I say in my head but I don't say a word out loud, it won't get me any where.

" I have to go deal with some matters love but don't worry when we get back we can have some fun. "

He winks and kisses me forcefully before he leaves, walking out the door and shutting it, also taking the knife with him. Lacey walks in after him, carrying a food tray as always but nearly drops it to the floor when her eyes meet his
" masterpiece "

" Oh my god. "

She whispers, siting the tray down and un-cuffing me. I slowly sit up but hiss at the pain, I slowly scoot to the edge of the bed and stand up to stretch. When I'm done I plop back down onto the bed and lay back down on my back, not wanting to hurt my stomach.

" Aren't you going to eat? "

She ask me and I shake my head.

" Come on, you need to eat, what are you trying to do? Starve yourself? "

She scolds and I look at her with a look that clearly says " duh! " she furrows her eyebrows together and her mouth falls open as I turn my attention back to the ceiling.

" You are trying to starve yourself. "

She says in a whisper.

" Why would you do that? Don't you have any hope left? "

Clearly not.

I scoff in my head. She shakes her head.

" I expected you to last longer. "

She mumbles and I watch her walk out the door.

How can she say that? If she was the one being treated like this, she wouldn't be talking like that! I just want it to end! Is it wrong of me to want to die in order to fully live?

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