Chapter 50: Two Kinds Of Death

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That's all I feel when I open my eyes, I don't even know if I passed out, was knocked out, or simply feel a sleep. All I remember is Mr.Edwards moaning as he caused me nothing but pain and I could do nothing but shut my eyes and try to block it out but it was useless, his moans still echo in my ears like nails on a chalk board.

I stiffen as I feel him stir next to me.

" Good morning baby. "

He says giving me a sloppy grin but I ignore him and continue to stare at the ceiling.

" Aw come on don't be like that, I didn't want to hurt you but it was your first time it will be painless when you get used to it don't worry. "

Get used to it? How can anyone get used to this? I never want this to be considered the " normal ". He starts kissing my neck and I ignore him as good as I can. I jump as I hear the door open and surprisingly he covers my body with the blanket so the person doesn't see me naked.

I look up and see Lacey placing a breakfast tray on the side table and I put as much hate as I can muster into that one look I give her. She was my last hope and she just stood there, I honesty don't know who is worse, Whitney who helped with the plan, Mr.Edwards who is just plain crazy, or Lacey who lets him do what he wants to anyone with no fight.

Lacey goes to unchain my hands so I can eat but I cut her off.

" Don't fucking touch me! "

I scream at her and she jumps back in shock but Mr.Edwards just looks amused by my outburst.

" Just let him do it. "

I hiss at her and she looks shocked. I know he's going to hurt me and touch me no matter what I do but I can stop her from touching me, I've never hated anyone more then I hate her. How could anyone see someone getting dragged off to get raped and just stand there and watch? I don't care if I died trying to save the girl or guy I would try my best to stop it!

Mr.Edwards unchains me and I move my wrist around as I hear them crack from being so stiff. Lacey opens her mouth to say something to me but with one glare from me she quietly leaves. Mr.Edwards places the tray in my lap as I stare at it wondering what's the point of eating, or drinking, or breathing. What's the point in living through any of this? What's so good about surviving this only to relive the memories every time I see the color yellow or every time I close my eyes.

It's either die completely or die on the inside.

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