Chapter 36: Prom * Part 2

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I don't understand why everyone is enjoying this, to me this is a new form of torture. The music is so loud my ears feel like their bleeding, the people are dancing so close to you that you can smell their sweat, these high heels feel like pin needles sticking in your feet more and more every time you walk, and there are so many Bobby pins in my hair that I will have to shave my head just to get them all out.

So how exactly is this fun again?

" Come on you've barely danced at all! "

Blake complains.

" Dancing isn't my forte. "

I tell him annoyed.

" Don't you want to look back after all these years and tell your grand child that you danced the night away at prom with some super hot guy? "

He ask flexing what little muscles he has.

" Yeah that would be great actually! Why don't you go find a hot guy for me to dance with? "

He glares at me.

" Alright here's the first slow dance of the night! "

The DJ says into the microphone.

" At least slow dance with me. "

" Fine but one dance that's all. "

I tell him in a serious tone. He leads me onto the dance floor and puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders trying not to think to much about how close this perv is to me. I have to admit I never imagined my prom being so terrible but maybe that's because movies make your expectations of prom go over the roof.

I look around at the couples dancing with each other looking all dreamy eyed and I can't help but envy them when I'm the one stuck with the guy version of Selena Gomez I'm saying this because he clearly can't keep his hands to himself.

I'm surprised when I see Whitney and Lacey here, I haven't seen them in days but then again I know them well enough to know they would never pass up an opportunity to dress up. They both look way skinner then I remember but they probably went on a diet for prom.

Whitney looks like the queen of darkness in that dress which shows her personality.

I half expected Whitney to come up to me and comment on how I'm wearing the dress she told me not to get but she just stands by Lacey scanning the crowd like she's looking for someone. Her eyes land on me and when she sees I'm looking at her she glares at me but even from such a far distance I can tell her glare is different this time, like it holds something more then hate.

The slow song finally ends and I immediately distance myself from Blake and move off the dance floor so I don't get caught up in their very provocative dancing. Wow I sound like a old person.....oh well.

I go to the refreshment table and fix myself a cup of punch and I'm just about to take a sip when Whitney
" accidentally " bumps into me causing me to spill the punch all over my dress.

" Opps! "

She says laughing at me, luckily barely anyone else noticed.

" Look on the bright side the dress actually looks better now! "

She smiles wickedly and bats her eyelashes. I run off into the bathroom to try to get the punch off with wet paper towels.

" Shit it won't come off! "

I say angrily. Deciding it's best to stay in the bathroom until prom ends I sit down on the floor leaning against the wall and I pull out my phone from my bra to finish examining the last few pictures I took of Maria's file.

What? I have no pockets I had to put my phone somewhere!

I pull up my photos and begin reading it and after a few hours I only have one more page to do. I hear someone walk in but I pay no attention. This last page is my last hope of finding out who this person is.

I begin to read the last page and there's mostly un useful things like list's of the teachers she had but then my eyes go wide as I read the last name on the teachers list.


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