Chapter 41: Escape

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Ok now that I have all my answers it's time to make a run for it.

I look look down noticing my hands aren't tied up like Whitney and Lacey's hands. I slowly move my hand to the handle of the car door ready to open it and jump out.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you. "

Mr.Edwards says.

" Do what? "

I ask pretending to be innocent.

" Don't play dumb I'm smarter then you know and I know you were about to jump out but Whitney back there can tell you just how useless that plan is. "

He chuckles as I see Whitney from the mirror tense up like she's recalling the memory.

" There's a reason I'm taking you all the way out here, even if you jump out the car or escape the house when we get there we are miles and miles and miles away from civilization. So either you run away from me and get lost and most likely end up dying in the woods or you stay with me and live. "

I don't say anything. There has to be way out of this! Some people like to live in the middle of no where maybe someone lives near him that he's unaware of?

We pull into a drive way and I look out the window at the log cabin in front of us.

" I'm going to go get Lilly settled into her room I will be back for you two. "

Mr.Edwards tells Whitney and Lacey and they nod not even perking up at the chance to escape. Has he brain washed them? Actually I can believe Lacey doing anything he says out of fear but I can never believe that Whitney would give in to anyone that easily, even if she hates me she hates being told what to do even more.

Mr.Edwards goes around and opens my door for me smiling but I don't smile back. He leads me into the cabin and I look around seeing a glass of water on the side table and some dishes in the sink in the kitchen. Has he been keeping Whitney and Lacey here?

" I know it's not much but it's ours and no one even knows about this place, it took me forever to find this place. "

" What do you mean ' it's ours ' ? "

I ask hesitantly.

" I bought this place for us so we can be together without the stress of anyone finding out. "

He says smiling.

" Everything I've done has been for you, I friended Whitney for you and talked Lacey into helping for you, I'm keeping them here so they don't tell anyone for you, and I bought this place for you and I'm not even done yet. "

" I think you've got this all wrong I don't like you like that Mr.Edwards. "

I tell him leaving out the part that he's completely insane and even if we were the same age I don't date crazy people. I dated Blake but that was a one time thing.

" We're away from everyone now you don't have to hide your feelings Lilly oh and by the way call me Phil. "

" I'm not hiding anything I just don't like you.....that way I'm sorry. "

His eyes turn dark along with his features and suddenly I don't recognize the loving and caring teacher who was there for me all those years am I finally going to see the real Mr.Edwards?

Do I even want to?

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