Chapter 21: Plot Twist

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It's lunch time now and word about me and Blake " dating " has already spread around school. Knowing Blake he probably got the whole football team and cheer squad to tell everyone.

I'm on my way to eat my lunch in Mr.Edwards room as always when Blake comes out of no where and slings his arm around my shoulder.

" Hey babe. "

He smirks kissing me and making me want to throw up all over his over priced shoes.

" Hi. "

" So you're eating lunch with me right? "

It sounds like he's asking but I know it's not a question it's a demand.

" Of course I was just taking the long way. "

I lie.

When Blake is near so is the whole football team so we have to put up an act of a couple and I can tell he's enjoying this.

We walk into the cafeteria with glares all directed at me from every direction and girls are to busy drooling over Blake to even notice my existence. He sits down and I sit next to him at this small but crowded table. This table is known as
" The popular table " only cheer leaders and jocks sit here. Most girls would cut their own eyes out to sit here but I just see it as a table full of snobs and pervs.

" Um excuse me why is little miss nobody sitting here? "

Whitney ask Blake.

" She's my girlfriend she has the right. "

" She pressed charges on you and you still want to bang her?! "

Whitney screeches hurting my ears.

" What can I say? I like a girl who plays hard to get and everyone knows that your legs are wide open. "

Blake smirks at her as her mouth drops to the floor. Okay I don't like Blake but even I find myself laughing at this hilarious and true comment.

" What the fuck are you laughing at bitch? "

Whitney makes a move to step towards me but Blake stops her.

" Don't you have someone to fuck? "

He ask and she scoffs then stomps off. I guess that was a yes.

He sits back down next to me and starts talking about sports with his friends, I'm happily thinking that he some how forgot about me sitting next to him but then I feel his hand gripping my thigh. I glance over at him glaring but he ignores me.

I try to remove his hand without being to obvious but his grip is to tight.

" Will you let go of me you fucking perv? "

I hiss at him just loud enough for him to hear.

" Whispering dirty secrets? "

One of his friends ask me winking.

" She always is don't believe her when she acts all Virgin Mary, she's anything but. "

Blake smirks and I muster up all my strength and pry his hand off me then I stand up dumping my Dr.Pepper on his head and stomping off without a word.

I run down the hallway to the only place I know to go......Mr.Edwards room.

I walk in already in tears and see him grading papers. I close the door so we can talk and he looks up seeing my tear stained face and frowns.

" Blake? "

He ask and I nod crying more. He sighs and gets up pulling me into a comforting hug.

" I'm so tired of everyone thinking I'm a slutty, lying bitch. "

I cry into his shoulder, although he probably can't even tell what I'm saying because I'm crying so hard.

" Why are people so cruel to me? "

He backs up a little and looks at me giving me a sad smile.

" It's because their jealous. You're a smart and beautiful young lady inside and out but their only beautiful on the outside which will change over time. They want to make you like them but don't fall for it you're smarter and stronger then that."

He moves circles on my shoulders with his thumb in a comforting way and I realize he's the only one who's been here for me through all of this. My mom never talks to me about anything and all of my friends left me for Whitney but he hasn't.

That's when I do something I never thought I would do in my entire life.

I kissed a teacher.

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