Chapter 51: The World

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Mr.Edwards clearly noticed I didn't eat anything sense he ate all my food for me, happily.

He surprisingly let's me shower by myself but locks the door from the outside. I can barely walk without feeling pain and getting flash backs of last night. I look in the mirror and grimace at my messy hair and beat up self, my make up is every where which is expected sense I've been here for days.

I look under the cabinet and see a men's razor and shaving cream, I pick up the razor and stare at it for a moment, should I do this? I don't think I would be missed, my parents probably don't even know I'm gone and my only friend is dead to me. The only good things I have are my memories from long ago when I was to innocent to understand how shit the world is.

Wouldn't it be great if we all stayed kids forever, never growing up, never learning the world isn't a magical flowery field where princes save you from the dragons? The thing is life isn't some magical place, the world we live in is hell without the fire.

I wonder if there's a heaven, then again anything can be better then this.

I lay down in the tub and close my eyes and place the razor on my wrist.

" Please let it be fast. "

I whisper hoping there's some sort of God out there but what kind of God would allow this to happen? With one cut all I feel is pain, shit I didn't cut it right now I have to wait for me to bleed to death! I hiss and grit my teeth not wanting to scream and let them hear me.

I use my hand that isn't cut to turn on the shower so it doesn't seem suspicious and I bite my tongue when the hot water pours over my wrist. Minutes go by and I finally see black and white dots, I hear a faint scream and I feel myself moving around but I ignore it hoping that this is my last memory.

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