chapter 13

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:Hy helo?

: hy

:you're still coming right.

:of course ,I always like seeing your sister smile, and I'd like to see everyone again.

:great,dress properly, I don't want to see denims.

:aye aye captain *slightly laughs*

:stupid,I don't know why I like you so much.


Amanda's POV

We finally got to our parent's house. 7pm. Great not late. We walked hand in hand,I could feel my sisters support , through anything and everything she'd be here. Now I felt bad for not telling her the truth.

"Shall we?" She smiled at me.

"We shall" I smiled back as we giggled.

Our house looked like a palace. Decorated beautifully. We got in and as much as I wished our presence was noticed , our family just continued with their lives.

My sister saw one of our cousins and left. I felt lost in a room of people I knew. I didn't feel like interacting with anyone but I wanted to see my brothers.

I took a deep breath and walked past my uncles and aunts and found my mom.

She finally caught my eye and a smile flashed across her face.

"Oh honey you looked so beautiful, on my word you outdid yourself." I smiled lightly.

"Mom you look wonderful too and let's not get started with the house, wow" she smiled "thank you honey, why didn't you bring David with?"

That name brought a sick feeling to my gut. I hated him, because he took what I cared for in my life. He indirectly took him away from me.

My mom realized the change of mood to my face and mine began reflecting hers. "Honey what's wrong"

"Mom, I umm.. I broke it off with him but it was nothing bad or anything, I'll tell you later, tonight we need to smile and think of good things" I showed her a big smile.

And all she did was give me a hug that made me feel like I could break down right there and then.

She finally pulled away and smiled "Honey you'll be fine, you are strong. It might hurt but talk to me when you're ready ohk. "

"Yes mom,of course" my mom didn't even know that John was back in my life. But it was nothing to mention since he's leaving my life once again.

"Where are my brothers?" I asked and all she did was point in the direction behind me. I looked behind me and my heart stepped on cloud nine.

Both Andrew and Aden were talking to Amy and I ran, well attempted to with the shoes I was wearing. They met my eyes before I was even close and they opened their arms.

I was engulfed in a tight hug but I didn't care. I missed my brothers so much. I held their faces like they do in the movies when the mother hasn't seen her children in forever.

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