chapter 20

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I woke up early, to do what you may ask, well nothing. I looked around the room and it was the way I had left it last night. I took a long shower and went back to bed, my books and phone were the only things that occupied me.

It was all peace and harmony until Fal barged in with only his jeans and his shirt and jacket in hand. I sighed. I had the least bit of interest of what happened to my good old friend and in that reason continued with my books as he approached me. I could feel his intense gaze on me until I had no choice but to look up.

"How was your night?" I asked blankly, my attention going back to my book. "Do you really want to know.?"

"No" I quickly interrupted him "I just asked for conversation sake, I don't really want to know." He chuckled as he walked into the shower singing "It was great my friend, it was great."

I just shrugged off the thought and continued my mundane activity. He soon got out, and dressed, behind closed doors ofcourse.

"Let's do something" he said while running his hands together."Like what?" I asked as I closed my book.

"Let's go bungee jumping, I've always wanted to try it." He said with a grin on his face.

Yeah I'm sorta afraid of heights but I won't get so many chances, ohk I would but let me try and talk myself into it just for Jared's sake. I looked at him with a hasty look before I agreed "Sure."

A breath that I'm sure he himself didn't know he held was breathed out in a sigh of relief.

"Thank you bro, and invite your friend" I looked at him for a while before I knew who he was referring to. "You mean Samantha?" I asked. "Well if that's her name, then yes and I'll invite Jessica"

"Uhhh?" I said signaling I had no idea who Jessica was. "Oh just a friend I met here too." I finally realized that she could have been the girl he ditched me for. " oh well it will be nice to meet her" I said as I stood up about to leave.

"Um, aren't you going to call Samantha?"he said as I was about to open the door. "No, I don't have her number, I need to find her." I said as I left but I knew he would follow me behind.

I went, looked almost everywhere. Not knowing where she stayed didn't help. I finally went to the pool side and she was just relaxing by the chairs.

I ran to her and stopped directly infront of her as she removed her sunglasses to see who was infront of her. She immediately smiled and I returned it."Would you be interested in bungee jumping, my friend and I want to go but he's bringing along someone."

She smiled"So I'm your plus one"

"Yes sorta but it will be fun if you're adventurous" I said as she stood up. "Hek yeah I'll go, it's bungee jumping" she said as I chuckled lightly on her pronunciation of words.

She left to wear something more appropriate and I went back to the room where I found Fal and Jessica sitting. When I walked in immediately Fal stood up and introduced her.

"John this is Jessica, Jessica this is the closest friend I've got in the world."I reached out my hand but she engulfed me in a hug "No need for formalities, if you're Jared's friend, you're mine too." I smiled back at the comment "Thank you, you're so sweet, are you sure you're with Jared" he hit me on my back playfully but it hurt, I think he purposely hurt me hard.

"Falcon behave" I whispered in his ear. "Since when do I?"He chuckled but he stopped as a dark bold stood by the door with her sport wear.

"Samantha you're here, come in. This is well you know him Jared and his friend Jessica." She came in and gave everyone a hug "Nice to meet you"

"Oh cool, you have an accent there" Jared said fascinated. "Yes,as you can hear"she said as she giggled.

"Ohk how about we go now, it's a 30 minute drive there" I said as I held Samantha's hand and we all left.

I drove with Samantha on the passenger seat. I had rented a car here since I knew I would move around. We finally got there and it was a long way bridge.

The view of the water was beautiful yet intimidating. As much as it was a breathtaking piece of land, knowing that I would soon come to the reality of jumping of it, didn't sit well with me. But I reminded myself that I am a man of adventure, so says that poster in my room. And I gatta live life I'm still twenty-two.

We got there and the instructors wrapped us up. Samantha volunteered to go first but I went instead. They fastened me to the harness. And on my count I was going to jump. I started thinking out loud ,good thing the others were on the other side getting a better look of the jump.

" I want to be able to think about someone else. To love someone else, she's just a part of my past now. Let me let go, let me let go " I said the last sentence as I closed my eyes and relaxed and jumped off.

I screamed by the thrill of being in the air. I liked seeing the water like you could touch it but only to be pulled back. The harness yanked me back and I felt like I left all my problems down with the water, to sink.

To greet me from my short voyage was my best friend. He bro hugged me tightly "You did it" he said proud. "Yeah I did didn't, Fal?" I asked back "Yeah"

"I think I'm going to move on" I said lightly as he held a huge smile on his face, he hugged me again."Finally bro you come to your senses now go to the girls while I take a leap of faith"

"Take a leap of faith, really?"
"Nothing better came up, just leave."he said as I laughed "Good luck man" I said as I left to meet the girls.

"You were amazing John" samantha says as she gives me a hug. And Jessica follows. "Thanks girls now let's watch the maniac on straps." I looked at Jessica to see if I had insulted her but she was laughing too.

As Samantha took hold of the side of the bridge and I wrapped my arms around her. It surprised her but she relaxed in my arms. It actually felt good.

The day went on as awesome as it started, after everyone was done with their jumps it was time to hit the road back home.

There wasn't a dim moment in the car. We laughed at how stupid Jared looked and all our experiences with jumping. We finally got home and as Jared accompanied Jessica to her stay , I accompanied Samantha.

"Thanks for the day" she said as she smiled. "No worries, I wanna thank you for coming with me or else I'd feel like a third wheel."

"No worries" she smiled. "No worries?" I asked back. "Yeah no worries" she said as she gave me a slow peck of the lips.

"Goodnight" she said as she was turning her back of me. " Goodnight" I waved as she just kept smiling until she reached her door knob. " Goodnight" she reapeted whilst laughing. I can safely say her laugh is on my top 5. "Goodnight" I chuckled back.

When I reached back to my room, Jared had already bid farewell to his lady friend and was sitting on the couch.

I got in making a sound as I opened and closed the door. He turned around and looked at me from the couch "Are you serious about moving on?" He asked.

"Yes I am." He signed."I'm so glad you moved on, Amanda only gave you pain and suffering. You need someone who'll love you always and not just break up with you with no good reason."he said looking at the TV.

"How'd you know she broke up with me?" I asked confused. He just stayed quiet.

"Jared how do you know she broke up with me?" I said a little more harder and you could see the confusion in my eyes. From what I saw he looked like a scared kid who just got scolded at.

I could hear that I was shouting and he wasn't going to talk so I asked camly.

"Jared can you tell me, how you know she broke up with me."

"I.. I" he kept stuttering



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