chapter 28

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"Hey Dezi, is Amanda with you?" I asked biting my nails nervously passing around my living room. I knew Dezi was staying at my sisters because Aden mentioned it once in our conversations. I hadn't seen her in a while but I knew my sister and her kept their friendship close so I was I glad she had someone there after her David drama. But now this bad hunch wasn't leaving me.

Last time I had one of these hunches was when I was 19 and Amanda got a slight infection but was hospitalized for a few days in France and I was all the way in America. I couldn't do anything but ask her if she was okay and to my hunch she wasn't. She got better but from then I knew I had a sixth sense if you know what I mean. I always wondered if all twins had these. I wouldn't bare if my sister was in trouble. I wouldn't.

"No she went out with John."

"Okay thanks" I answered quickly before I hung up. I was relieved in a way that she was with John but I still had to make sure she was safe.

I called John several times but I didn't get anything. At this time I was getting anxious and there was nothing I could do seated in my house. I took my car keys and readied myself for a long journey back to my sisters.


During the drive I continuously called John. Not minding the road rules. My worrying was of the roof and nothing could help me but John picking up his damn phone. I was 1hour in and by now I was entering the city. The speed I was going and the fact that it could bring police was far from my mind. Just my sister, my sister.

I unbuckled my seatbelt as I got out of the car entering Amanda's humble abode. I ubruptly opened the door surprising Dezi of the couch to the floor.

"Amy what are you doing here?" She said as she picked up her plate of spilled chips.

"Something's up with Amanda" I said nervously. "I just don't know what"

"She's in love" Dezi said happily.

"No stupid, something BAD" I sighed. Her face made a 'oh that makes more sense look but quickly transitioned into worry.

"You think so" she said as she stood up right. "Yes and we need to find her."

Silence filled the air as we both began to brainstorm ideas but my phone rang and I quickly answered without seeing the caller ID.

"Please tell me she's okay" I asked as my voice soft and my eyes beginning a pool of water.

I quickly checked the ID to see it was John. "John please, tell me she's okay she's alright." I said trying not to break down but my tears had no plans of stopping.

"John say something!" I shouted as I fell on my knees. His silence was killing me slowly. I needed to know of my sisters well being.

"Amy look, I'm sorry, you don't know how sorry I am" he began crying. "She needs you here, come to the hospital please" I bit my lip hard to avoid the loud cry that was stuck in my throat. I wiped my ongoing tears as I dropped the call.

"What is it Amy?" Dezi asked teary eyed stumbling to where I was.

I was lost in my own world when I answered "I'm going now, stay here" I commanded but I never met her eyes. I just walked out hearing her shout my name out but it was distant as all I could feel was the gut feeling of all my dead butterflies, aching heart and the breeze the night came along with.

It was rough on my skin. But if I could I would let it sweep me away from reality. As much as I knew little of what happened to my sister. Something told me I wasn't going to live happy anymore.

A life without my sister is the same as not living at all. Losing the one person you learned to live with since birth. I won't lie and say its not going to hurt. Because it sure will, and immensely.

I would rather have someone jab me with a knife or shoot me in the heart, to stop feeling the pain.

My eyes began to blur with the lines of the road and the lights of the night became mixed. I wiped my eyes but I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't see clearer and as much as I was depressed I didn't want to die in a car accident. I got to the hospital. I didn't need to know which one because in this town there's just one that's suitable for him to take her. I quickly got out and ran inside.

The bright hospital lights caused me to hide my eyes behind my hands as I began to register with it.

"Where can I find Amanda Moset?" I asked the woman behind the counter. She looked up in shock I'm sure in reason that my eyes were all puffy and red and I'm sure my hair looked like an electrocuted hamster.

"Uh let me check" she said as she looked into her book. But before she answered I noticed John sitting with his head between his legs and hands on his head. I ran there as the lady protested aloud.

"Where is she?" I asked the tears a threatening to escape again.

He slowly looked up. If he was a girl he's face would reflect mine perfectly.

"She's in surgery" his face scrunched as he became teary.

"Wha-what happened?" I stuttered asking.

He explained everything.

In vivid detail.

And shortly after two sentences tears began streaming silently. I wanted to scream, to let it rip out but we were in a hospital. What happened was crazy, it was making me sick to the stomach.

I couldn't blame him for what had happened. No one could've seen it coming. All I could do was pray this was just a nightmare.

John and I just sat there in silence. No one was going to be the one who broke it as both of us was lost in our thoughts and tears.

I looked at John for a moment. His shirt was stained with crimson blood and I couldn't imagine it being Amanda's. She must've been in so much pain. It hurt that I couldn't have done anything.

A doctor came out of the two doors. "Doctor how is she?" John asked as he stood up.

"She was on the verge of death when she came here but she is fine now, it's just that she's in a slight acoma but its definate she'll wake up, you can go see her but please strictly 15minutes a visitor, family only."The doctor said as I looked at John.

"Go John, she needs you now more than ever"

John slightly nodded but the doctor stopped him.

"I know its a hard time but the police are going to need your statement later tonight so please don't go anywhere especially if a death is involved"

"Is Jared?"

"I'm so sorry Mr Flinch but there was little that could be done, he died on the spot" he said as he rested his hand on him for comfort.

"Yeah" John said a little torn. You could tell the news took the life out of him if he still had any.

"And before you go what is your relation to the patient?" The doctor asked but paying attention to his notes.

"She's my future wife, please." John said teary as he went through the doors. I found this as a chance to call my parents and brothers. I slowly pulled out my phone and I tapped it against my jeans hesitating on the call. I called my dad. My feet were shaking until he picked the phone.

"Dad" I said as I stood up from my seat.

"Something happened..."


Sad times, I cried writing this.


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