chapter 27

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Jared's POV

I carried Amanda inside to the largest room in the warehouse. I strapped her lifeless like body on the chair. I trapped her hands and feet with chains. It was something she wouldn't be able to come out of.

I just stood there looking at her. I came close to her slowly. Creeping my hand to her cheek slowly. I came closer until my breath fanned her lips before I ever so gently kissed her.

"Wow" I said as I held her face. "Your dynamite, do you know that honey" I smiled at her and placed the gun directly on her head.

"And because of that, you're making this experience for me priceless" I came to her face and caressed her cheek worriedly before saying "But don't see it as dying, huh, let's see this as the purest of love's sacrifice. Huh, right honey, we're not dying." I looked around.

" There was so many things I always wanted to do but I traded all that for this moment, this moment honey, I love you so much sweetie." I said with a smile as I kissed her messy hair.

"I wish you could tell me you loved me." I looked at her senseless body.

"You don't know how happy you'd make me."I said as I rolled the gun from her lips to between her breasts.

"We should probably get this over with." I said as I pointed his gun to her steadily.

"No" I heard John from behind me.

This guy...

John's POV

I called the police just for the backup. They didn't take my pleads seriously until I explained the whole situation and informed me they would recruit a few police men.

I parked a few meters away from the warehouse to not raise suspicion. I knew I had to rescue her before the police came.

I got out of the car. I knew I should've been armed but I had no time for that. I looked around the large building to see it was slightly deserted. It was dead quiet. I looked around to find a secret entry but it was to no avail. I sighed. There must be a way in there.

I went closer to the building. I don't know if it was luck but my first attempt to find an opening, the wall crept open as I pushed it. I crawled in the small space head first.

As I got up, I felt a throbbing pain on my left leg. As I examined it with more detail, I could see crimson blood splattered on my pants. Great. The pain was there but if I didn't think about it, it would subside and right now, I just needed to get out of this hell hole with Amanda.

I stepped carefully limping but not making the slightest of sound. I finally made it to a large room with Amanda in the middle.

"We should probably get this over with." He said as he pointed the gun to her.

"No" I shouted. He put the gun down and turned to me with it.

"Three is a crowd John, get the hell out" he said with gun pointed to me.

"You don't know what you're doing, c'mon Fal, you don't want this, just leave her" I plead.

"You came for nothing, John if you love me just let me do it. You have an easy life, you can find someone else to love."

"She's the love of my life, Jared please stop being selfish about this." I said slowly coming close to him.

"I love her too, I would kill for her John. I'd give up everything. I'd give up on you. I would do anything for her to love me but all you do is show up, I hate you as much as I love you, you're the worst and best thing that ever happened to me, you're my best friend but you took away what I loved the most" he said all teary, still pointing the gun at me.

Amanda slowly began to open her eyes and immediately looked at me. I could see the fear in her eyes and I couldn't do anything held in gun point.

Fal noticed me looking at her and turned his back. "Oh finally awake sunshine. I've been waiting for you, but we're having a few complications." He said looking back at me.

"Jared please just let me go" she said weakly to him with tears in her eyes.

"I can't honey, we need to leave this world tonight, together. No one loves you as much as I do, okay" he said as he held her cheek but she shrugged it off and quickly looked away. I couldn't watch this, my own best friend was like a villan pulled straight from the television screen.

"John please help" she whispered to herself but it was heard.

"Ama don't worry, I'll get you out of here, safe." I said reassuring her.

"You know John they say it's bad to make empty promises. I don't want to kill you, not you...just her" he said as he pointed the gun at Amanda which by this time was crying.

"Jared no, this isn't you I know the real you. The Jared who knew how to have fun, the Falcon at school, and every time they would force you to train, you wouldn't go but I'd encourage you to. The Jared who had my back when things weren't going my way for my career. The Jared that wouldn't mind going through hell for me, please you can't do this to me, not to me. I was there when Marcus wasn't taking care you. I was more of a brother to you than him. I was there, and I'm still here now. Just put the gun down, please"

He looked at me worriedly before he shook his head. "John you've been there for me since I can remember. Thank you for showing me what love from a family felt like. I'll miss you the most." I began to panic with his words as they sounded like a goodbye, I tried running to her but it was too late.

"No!" I shouted as the bullet pulsated through her shoulder and the impact made her fall to the ground. I ran to her and jumbled the chains of her until they came loose. I held her tight in my arms crying.

"You can't die on me, not now. We haven't lived yet. We're not happy yet. Don't leave me, no" I cried holding her in my arms.

"It hurts" she whispered through her crying.

"Just stay with me, just stay with me" I said as I heard another gun shot and as I looked back Jared was on the floor bleeding from his chin which showed he shot himself there. I closed my eyes. I didn't like death around me. Everywhere I looked it was either my dead best friend, Amanda or just the pure darkness of the night.

Amanda slowly began to close her eyes. "You can't leave me, you can't leave me!" I cried out loud as it felt like I was carrying a lifeless body. The police soon came and took Amanda and Jared out of my hands.

I didn't know what was happening or if I had truly lost them both.

Amy's POV

I was watching tv. Laughing my but off watching this hilarious comedy when something in me felt odd. I slowly got off the couch and felt the goosebumps on my skin.

"Something's wrong"



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