Raining men (8)

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"What do you mean someone killed hulio !" I yelled into the phone .

Hulio was one of my business partners . A some what diamond smuggler . He transports our goods from Puerto Rico to Miami .

"Was my fuckin diamonds in the car !"

At this pint I was livid those diamonds were worth millions & who ever crossed hulio didn't realize they crossed us too . That was my property they stole and when I find out who it is I'm sending their heads back to their family's in a box !

"Find out who the fuck did this I want them back to me dead or alive ! " I screamed into the phone , then hung it up . I sat down in the chair and reek looked at me from his hospital bed .

"What we gone do with out the diamonds , the auctions next week & I want my money bro " reek said obviously pissed .

"Ion know but when I find out who did this I swear I'm killing them . " I shook my head .

Reek sighed " you talk to storm ? "

"I haven't seen storm in a couple of days & moons not Answering me "  it's true moon called & checked on me a couple days ago & I haven't heard from her since .

"What you wanna do about the dude though " I asked my brother . I know for a fact reek could have handle himself in that fight but him getting hurt this bad is not sitting right with me .

"I would say kill him but the way him & Malcolm moving their business is another story . , besides it's obvious he's in love with storm & I'm not bout to get in that love triangle & fight for no bitch "

"He almost fuckin killed u wtf you mean let him walk ! you gone let this nigga live! " I was on the edge of my seat .

"Chill man he gone get his , let him think I'm weak just cus I let him live now don't  mean I will in the future" he smirked .


My life is so hectic right now . People keep playing with my money , ion know if it's because I'm a female or I've been laying low lately .

I was in the dungeon looking my next victim in the face , Mr. Lawrence cannery . See I did a job for Lawrence , which was to kill his wife . He paid me half up front & when the job was done he said he'll pay the other half . The thing is I've been waiting on that other half for almost 2 months .

He sat in front of me smirking like his life wasn't  in my hands . I gave him that same smirk back cus he think it's a game .

"Where's my money Lawrence " I asked .

He kept that same ugly ass smirk & before he got to say some more slick shit I hit him with the butt of my gun .

I kneeled down infront of him "now imma ask again where is my money ?"

"I don't owe you shit bitch " he mugged & I laughed .

"See Lawrence I always liked you & I always found you attractive . We've been doing business for some time now " I started I walked over to the whip & poured some bleach on it . "I did a job for you & u crossed and lied to me . Now imma ask again ..... Where - is -my -money !" I smiled.

"Go to hell bi-"

I smacked him across the face with the whip & he started to scream . Call me crazy but I actually enjoyed stuff like this . It brought excitement to my life .

I watched him whimper and cry  , as I laughed & smiled .

"Your so fuckin evil , " he said through tears . "The devil has a place in hell for you !" He screamed I put the gun to his head and smiled . "I guess Ima see you their" I pulled the trigger & his brains went everywhere . I called Osiris & told him come clean it up . Since he want lie bout stealing , he's on clean up duty till further notice .

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