Man down(3)

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I woke up and saw cardis son sitting on the front of the bed . When I looked over cardi was snuggled into me lightly snoring .

I checked my phone and saw the time said 9 o clock .

"Fuckkkk!" I said out loud to myself .

Cardi started moving in her sleep and she pulled herself more into me . I started tapping her but she didn't wanna get up . Her son looked at me .

"Dad why do you always leave me and mom "

I looked at him and shook my head " uhh uhh la Brutha I ain't yo dad , wrong person ."

"But mommie said your my dad , "

I looked at him crazy . Then I started to shake cardi . "Aye cardi get up " I yelled.

"Ayeeeee Gal forreal " my Jamaican accent came out a lil . Cardi groaned and pulled herself up to look at me .

"Good morning " she tried to kiss me but I pulled away .

"What's wrong baby ?"

"Gal none I'm bout to go "

She pouted "why you always leave me "

"I asked daddy that already " her son said again .

"I ain't yo daddy boy , I'm sorry I ain't got no kids " I told him with a lil additude.

"Mommy why you lie ?"

"Yeah mommie why you lied ?" I asked looking at her . She sighed "Mario go inna room . "

Her son jumped up and ran from by us . I looked at cardi waiting on a answer .

"He's yours ," she mumbled

"What !"

"I said he's yours" she yelled .

"You gotta be lying . How tf he mines ?"

"Valentine's Day , when you and Egypt got into it . " she started "you know how you came by me spilling all yo problems?"

I shook my head yea . " well I conceived that night when you broke my virgin . He makes 7 this year "

I fist my dreads "why you ain't say none" I yelled .

"I was going tell you for graduation, but I seen how in love you and Egypt was . I didn't want to ruin a happy home "

I sighed "look cardi imma fuck with you some other time . I pulled my pants up and through my wife beater on . I took the used condom out the trash in the bathroom cus she ain't bout to catch me slipping.

She sat on the bed pouting . And I just shook my head . Bitch got me all the way fucked up . How imma explain this to moon ? Not only do I have to explain I cheated but I have to tell her I got a 7 year old damn son . I don't know how to feel about this .

I looked at my phone and saw I had 10 missed calls from moon and 15 text .
I sighed cus I knew I was suppose to be home and she bout to kill me .

I took the long way home but I knew I couldn't avoid her for long. When I pulled up the blinds were open .

"Fuck " I mumbled to myself.

I could have sworn I seen a red laser . I sighed and opened the door . I instantly smelled weed and when I walked in the front moon was sitting in her light brown under wear and no bra . I tried to make a run for it upstairs but a bullet went passed my head .

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