Russian Roulette(9)

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"Ohhhhhhh , ah ohhhhh shit , soooo ohhhhh ohhh rich " I danced around my room .

"Sooooo loadeddddd"  shine walked in and joined in "Pose Bitch "

I turned the music off and started laughing . Shine came laid across my bed as I put my hair up into a high pony tail .

"Changed your hair color again ?"

"Yes you like ?" I did a lil spin .

She nodded . I sat on the bed and watched her text . She was all into it smiling hard .

"Who you texting ?"

"Oh nobody ." She smiled .

I smirked and grabbed her phone . Shine ran after me but I made it to the bathroom already .

I read her messages , laughing while she banged on the door .

"Gimme my phone !" She yelled  

"No " I laughed .

Soon as I was about to hand it back a message from rocky popped up .

Zaddyyr❤️cky: I'm sorry about the beach can we talk ?

I didn't click it , I just turned the whole phone off & back on so the lock screen would pop up . I opened the door & she tackled me .

"Move bitch , " I laughed .

I flipped us over & pinned her to the ground . She mugged me & I laughed .

"Can I have my phone ?"

I laughed and got up . I helped her up & handed her , her phone . "I didn't read your messages your phone locked "


She walked out my room . I swear if rocky messing with shine imma cut his dick off myself . It makes since though cus storm told me he was messing with someone young .

Shermaine walked into my room looking all mad and shit .

I laughed and leaned back "what you mad at girl "

She came plopped down on my bed with her arms folded and looked at me . "What's never wrong ? Girl yo stupid ass brother "

Yes shermaine  is 3 years younger than me & I really didn't want her to talk to Osiris but hey they did . I always knew they liked one another .

"Girl fuck my brutha "

"That's what I'm trying to do " she mumbled & I straight faced her .

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